This Remote Control Extender uses the smartest and easiest
technology in extending the remote control operation.
By replacing one of your standard existing batteries with the patented
Beyond Platinum battery transmitter, your remote control
now detects the key signals and transmits them far away.
This extender kit consists of Transmitter (Battery type),
Receiver (UFO shape), Adapter, Eye emitter, two 2/3 rechargeable
batteries and AA sleeve.
The upgraded remote control with the RF Transmitter inserted can
operate through doors, windows, floors, ceilings and walls without
any need for line of site.
When the RF Transmitter is installed, the remote control still transmits
the normal infrared signal as well as a RF signal at the same time.
1. Normal use in living room.
2. Side view control.
3. Control equipment situated in another room.
4. Control equipment situated on another floor of your house or building.
5. Control equipment from outside (ie. Speakers outside but hi-fi inside).
6. Normal situation but with the need for a longer range of control and the
ability to control equipment located inside a closed cabinet.
Remove only ONE of your existing batteries in your remote control
and replace it with the Beyond Platinum Transmitter Battery.
Note: You may have to place the transmitter battery in an alternate
battery slot in your remote control in order to improve performance.
1. Remote Control using AAA batteries
2. Remote Control using AA batteries
Front Side
Rear Side
Place the UFO shape Receiver in one of the following ways:
RF Transmitter
1 Eye Emitter Cable
RF Receiver
AA Sleeve
2/3 AAA
Rechargeable Batteries
Installation and Operating Cases
Installing the RF Transmitter
Installing the Receiver