41 | Wi-Q™ Mercury Setup and User Guide
Figure 12: Wireless Access Controller
Using the Wireless Access Controller (Figure 12), controllers or
other I/O devices can be added to an overall wireless solution
without the high cost of installing conduit such as RS485 or CAT5
to the controller. Position the controller at the door or where suit-
able above the ceiling tile.
The most common installation site is inside an existing protected
area such as a locked room or other secure enclosure, or above
the door in the ceiling. Installation
Specific installation methods are dependent on the device type
and configuration of the system; therefore, the WAC should be
installed by a trained technician using the instructions provided
with the controller.
8. Click on the Apply Settings tab. Click on the ‘Apply Set-
tings, Reboot’ button.
3.2.6 Install Wireless Access Controllers (Task 5)
Installing a Wireless Access Controller
The Wi-Q Technology Wireless Access Controller (WAC) provides
an optional, cost effective way to retrofit an existing hard-wired
application, or where the installed controller may be obsolete or
unable to handle additional controller inputs. It supports Wiegand
Compatible Keypad controllers and is configured and monitored in
the Access Control Software, just like a standard controller.
Please check with your dormakaba representative for a list
of compatible controllers.