2 Safety
Shields for Flange Mounting
44192BA2, Rev.03, 07/2021
Ambient Conditions during Operation and Storage
The shield was specifically designed for use in rough ambient conditions. The
compliance with the operating conditions specified below contributes to
guaranteeing the permanent functionality of the shield and the prevention of
Shields containing radioactive substances and sources are to be stored in a lockable
storage room complying with the national requirements as regards the storage of
radioactive substances.
The higher the humidity, as well as the dust and dirt content of the environment,
the more likely stiffness or an entire blockage of the shutter is. For this reason, the
functional test intervals (see chapter 7) should be adjusted to the ambient
Highly combustible or explosive substances must not be kept in the vicinity of
shields in order to prevent a fire from spreading to the radioactive substances.
Furthermore, the ambient conditions in the document “Technical Information”
(see appendix) are to be observed.
Qualification of the Personnel
A minimum requirement for all work on or with the product would be
employees with general knowledge who are instructed by an expert or
authorised person.
At different parts in this manual, reference is made to personnel with certain
qualifications who can be entrusted with different tasks during the installation,
usage and maintenance.
The four groups this refers to are:
Employees with general knowledge
Authorised persons
Radiation Safety Officer