before the defined timeout is over, the Twig SOS cy-
cle will continue normally without cancelling.
The user can also cancel the application when the
phone prompts for it, e.g. in the case that no network
coverage has been found.
If the application is not ended or cancelled, the Twig
SOS cycle will continue until the defined end condi-
tions are met. After this, the application is ended au-
tomatically or, depending on the settings, entered into
post emergency mode.
Post emergency mode
After Twig SOS events have been processed in a way
that meets the defined end conditions, the application
enters into post-emergency mode, if this mode has
been enabled in configuration settings. You can also
see a special icon
in the GPS area, indicating that
the post emergency mode is active.
During post-emergency mode, sound and visibility
settings remain as defined for Twig SOS but, if defined
in the settings, incoming calls can be accepted again.
When the post emergency state is over, the phone will
return into the normal mode. If Twig SOS was started
from the power off state, ending the post emergency
state will leave the phone in the idle state.
User interface lock is a feature which prevents the
user from accessing the main parts of phone’s user in-
When the lock is activated,
Phone locked
is displayed and the only available phone applications
are Twig Alert/ Twig SOS and assistance call, if assist-
ance call numbers are defined. The user can call to the
assistance call numbers by pressing the corresponding
alphanumeric keys, or start Twig Alert/Twig SOS by
pressing the emergency key on top of the phone. For
more information on setting the user interface lock,
user interface lock on page 27
When the user interface lock in not on, the phone can
be used in a normal way.
Verticality sensor is installed into your Twig Pro de-
vice. The purpose of the sensor is to monitor the ori-
entation of the device, and to launch Twig SOS
application if horizontal/vertical orientation is lost.
This is useful e.g. when the user has fallen down and
is unable to launch Twig SOS by herself.
- Horizontal orientation: The device is consid-
ered to have horizontal position when its angle