Bend-Tech Dragon
Troubleshooting Guide
Control Box Troubleshooting
7.6 Re-seating the Breakout Board
The Breakout Board smooth-stepper facilitates communication between the computer and
the motor drivers. Over time, it is possible for the Breakout Board to come unseated from the
motor drivers.
1. Open the Control Box
Using a large, flat blade screwdriver, open the Control Box by turning the latch
2. Locate the Breakout Board
Locate the Breakout Board in the upper left-hand corner of the Control Box.
3. Re-seat the Breakout Board
Firmly push on the Breakout Board to seat it in the motor drivers
7.7 Replacing the Control Box
1. Breakout Board
Locate the Control Box mounted on the rear of
the third Rail Support Leg. Using a large, flat
blade screwdriver, turn the black Control Box
Door Latch located on the right hand side of the
Control Box counterclockwise to open the Control
Box. Locate the red Breakout Board in the upper
left hand side of the Control Box. The Breakout
Board will have a flat flex cable leading to it.
Carefully pull the Breakout Board off the Motor
Drivers. This will give access to the left hand
Control Box Mounting Bolt. The Breakout Board
should remain connected to the Control Box via
its flat flex cable.
2.Control Box Mounting Bolts
Control Box Mounting Bolt heads are located
inside the Control Box, in the upper right and left
hand corners of the Control Box. Use a ratchet
with a 9/16 in. socket and extension to reach the
bolt heads inside the Control Box. Place a 9/16 in.
wrench on the nut located on the Mounting Bolt
Hold the Breakout Board on
the sides and gently pull it off
the motor drivers.
Tools Needed
9/16 in. wrench
9/16 in. socket
• Ratchet and extension
Large flat blade screwdriver