Reference Manual
Power Analyzer EMM5
Rev. 11
integrated data logger (option –DM) are also counter for a second tariff available. The switchover can be done via the
built-in clock or the digital input.
Active power values are signed values! The signs have to be interpreted as follows: A positive sign shows power
flow in one direction, a negative sign in the other. So, positive active power can be interpreted as
active power import, the negative active power as active power export.
Reactive power values are
signed values, too! The signs are automatically interpreted as inductive or capacitive. The user of the
EMM5 will always see a "ind" or "cap" mark with reactive values, so he never needs to worry about
interpretation of signs with any reactive value.
Alarm system
The unique alarm-system of the EMM5 was designed to provide maximum flexibility. It consists of 32 user-configurable
alarms. Each of them continuously compares one of the measured values to an assigned limit and, if necessary, triggers
the alarm. Each of the alarms provides the following features:
Alarm source can be any measured value, with exclusion of work counters and single harmonics
Configurable limit value for each alarm
Trigger condition selectable (value>limit or value<limit)
Alarm-specific turn-on-delay
Alarm-specific turn-off-delay
Alarm storage in the event recorder (optional)
An alarm-specific set of output relays and the possibility to display an alarm message
The precise definition is: If the current, measured on terminal K with respect to terminal L, is in phase with
the corresponding voltage, the active power will be positive and defined as “energy import”.
This provides a delay between the recognition of the alarm state and the activation of the alarm outputs
(relays and display message).
The function is similar to the turn-on-delay but it is used for insertion of a delay time between the alarm
condition becoming false and the signal to all target relays to reset being sent.