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Assembly InstructIons


Содержание ATC402

Страница 1: ...Atc402 AuDIo vIDeo CoMPoNeNT ToWeR Assembly InstructIons ...

Страница 2: ...F AnD 50 lbs For eAcH InterIor sHelF AlwAys PlAce tHe HeAvIest comPonents on tHe bottom sHelF ALWAYS ReMove ALL ITeMS FRoM THe GLASS SHeLveS PRIoR To MovING THe FuRNITuRe ALWAYS ReMove THe SHeLveS PRIoR To MovING THe FuRNITuRe WHeN IN uSe THIS FuRNITuRe MuST Be PLACeD oN A FLAT SoLID AND LeveL SuRFACe Do NoT LeAN oN THe STAND oR oN ANY eQuIPMeNT THAT IS oN THe STAND Do NoT CLIMB oR STeP oN THe STA...

Страница 3: ...PArts lIst Acm1 Acm2 Acm3 Acm4 Acm5 Acm6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity Part Acm7 Acm8 Acm9 Acm10 Acm11 Acm12 Acm13 2 3 8 12 8 1 1 Quantity Part ...

Страница 4: FlIPPInG the switches on the Locking Mechanisms as shown in Fig 1A 3 Insert two Wood Dowels ACM9 into the predrilled holes along the right edge of the Cabinet Base ACM5 and At tAcH the Right Side Panel ACM3 to the Cabinet Base as shown locK the pieces together by FlIPPInG the switches on the Locking Mechanisms as shown in Fig 1A Assembly InstructIons note 2 PeoPLe ARe ReCoMMeNDeD To ASSeMBLe TH...

Страница 5: ...shown using six Thumb Screws ACM11 tIGHten Thumb Screws firmly by hand then remove the Grip Tip portions of the Thumb Screws by PullInG strAIGHt off as shown in Fig 2A NOTE DO NOT DISCARD ThE GRIP TIP PORTION Of ThE ThUMB SCREwS yOU MAy NEED ThEM TO DISASSEMBLE ThE fURNITURE IN ThE fUTURE View from Rear Acm2 Acm5 Acm3 Acm11 ...

Страница 6: ...g 3A NOTE you MAy need to flip the Locking Mechanisms first to correctly position the Locking Posts in order to get the Top Shelf to fit properly onto the cabinet 6 secure the Cabinet Top ACM1 using two Thumb Screws ACM11 as shown tIGHten Thumb Screws firmly by hand then remove the Grip Tip portions of the Thumb Screws by PullInG strAIGHt off as shown in Fig 3B NOTE DO NOT DISCARD ThE GRIP TIP POR...

Страница 7: ...Fig 4 7 AttAcH the Top and Bottom Rear Panels ACM7 to the Rear Frame ACM4 as shown above Press firmly into place View from Rear Acm7 Acm4 ...

Страница 8: ...erior Shelf ACM8 MAkE SURE the Shelf Support Pins are placed in level positions and that each Shelf is evenly and properly supported by four Shelf Support Pins MAkE SURE ThE ATC402 CABINET IS ON A SOLID AND LEVEL fLOOR SURfACE BEfORE USE MAkE SURE ALL ShELVES ARE LEVEL AND PROPERLy SUPPORTED BEfORE PLACING ANy COMPONENTS ON ThEM View from front Acm8 Acm3 Acm2 Acm10 ...

Страница 9: ...bracket on the Left Side panel the pieces interlock together NOTE A philips head screwdriver can be used to straighten the door after installation 10 AttAcH the Door Knob ACM12 to the front of the Door ACM6 using the Screw ACM13 as shown above Tighten but be careful not to overtighten View from front Acm2 Acm6 Acm12 Acm13 ...

Страница 10: ...Atc402 AuDIo vIDeo CoMPoNeNT ToWeR Assembly InstructIons ...

Страница 11: ...F AnD 50 lbs For eAcH InterIor sHelF AlwAys PlAce tHe HeAvIest comPonents on tHe bottom sHelF ALWAYS ReMove ALL ITeMS FRoM THe GLASS SHeLveS PRIoR To MovING THe FuRNITuRe ALWAYS ReMove THe SHeLveS PRIoR To MovING THe FuRNITuRe WHeN IN uSe THIS FuRNITuRe MuST Be PLACeD oN A FLAT SoLID AND LeveL SuRFACe Do NoT LeAN oN THe STAND oR oN ANY eQuIPMeNT THAT IS oN THe STAND Do NoT CLIMB oR STeP oN THe STA...

Страница 12: ...PArts lIst Acm1 Acm2 Acm3 Acm4 Acm5 Acm6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity Part Acm7 Acm8 Acm9 Acm10 Acm11 Acm12 Acm13 2 3 8 12 8 1 1 Quantity Part ...

Страница 13: FlIPPInG the switches on the Locking Mechanisms as shown in Fig 1A 3 Insert two Wood Dowels ACM9 into the predrilled holes along the right edge of the Cabinet Base ACM5 and AttAcH the Right Side Panel ACM3 to the Cabinet Base as shown locK the pieces together by FlIPPInG the switches on the Locking Mechanisms as shown in Fig 1A Assembly InstructIons note 2 PeoPLe ARe ReCoMMeNDeD To ASSeMBLe THI...

Страница 14: ...cm4 4 AttAcH the Rear Frame ACM4 to the Left and Right Side Panels ACM2 ACM3 and to the Cabinet Base ACM5 as shown using six Thumb Screws ACM11 tIGHten Thumb Screws firmly by hand View from Rear Acm2 Acm5 Acm3 Acm11 ...

Страница 15: ...n locK the pieces together by FlIPPInG the switches on the Locking Mechanisms on both sides as shown in Fig 3A NOTE you MAy need to flip the Locking Mechanisms first to correctly position the Locking Posts in order to get the Top Shelf to fit properly onto the cabinet 6 secure the Cabinet Top ACM1 using two Thumb Screws ACM11 as shown tIGHten Thumb Screws firmly by hand View from front Acm3 Acm2 A...

Страница 16: ...Fig 4 7 AttAcH the Top and Bottom Rear Panels ACM7 to the Rear Frame ACM4 as shown above Press firmly into place View from Rear Acm7 Acm4 ...

Страница 17: ...erior Shelf ACM8 MAkE SURE the Shelf Support Pins are placed in level positions and that each Shelf is evenly and properly supported by four Shelf Support Pins MAkE SURE ThE ATC402 CABINET IS ON A SOLID AND LEVEL fLOOR SURfACE BEfORE USE MAkE SURE ALL ShELVES ARE LEVEL AND PROPERLy SUPPORTED BEfORE PLACING ANy COMPONENTS ON ThEM View from front Acm8 Acm3 Acm2 Acm10 ...

Страница 18: ...bracket on the Left Side panel the pieces interlock together NOTE A philips head screwdriver can be used to straighten the door after installation 10 AttAcH the Door Knob ACM12 to the front of the Door ACM6 using the Screw ACM13 as shown above Tighten but be careful not to overtighten View from front Acm2 Acm6 Acm12 Acm13 ...
