Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
[Ref. #19574]
Kaleido-X (4RU):
After the Output B card is inserted in a Kaleido-X (4RU)
frame, the dashboard associated with Output A will briefly report PSU-related alarms,
while output B is rebooting.
[Ref. #12650]
Kaleido-X multi-viewers:
Inserting a KXA-GPI-GEN card may generate a
momentary flash on the monitor wall.
• Kaleido-X, Kaleido-X16, KMV-3901/3911 startup:
• It takes approximately 15 seconds to display the videos of the last configuration
after a power-on reboot.
• It can take up to three minutes to load the graphical monitors (i.e., clocks, UMDs,
tallies, audio monitors, timers, etc.) after a power-on reboot. This depends on the
system configuration and the number of monitors to be displayed. It may take a
little longer for time codes, closed captions and audio monitors to become fluid in
a heavy layout.
Mouse and RCP Operation
[Ref. #35814]
In the case of a cascade system, monitor wall functions performed
via the associated buttons on a Kaleido-RCP2 or RCP-200 (ASPECT RATIO, UNDERSCAN,
FULL SCREEN, etc.) only work in parts of the layout associated with the multi-viewer
that is directly connected to the displays.
Use the monitor wall menu.
[Ref. #35445/18257]
Spanned monitors:
Mouse and Kaleido-RCP2 operations are not fully
supported on monitors spanning two or more displays.
In XEdit, configure the spanned monitor you wish to control, as a monitor
wall destination. You will then be able to use a mouse connected to the Kaleido-RCP2 to
interact with the spanned monitor. Configuring your multi-viewer as a router also allows
you to interact with spanned monitors by using the RCP-200, or other router control
devices or software (e.g. the Miranda Router Control Matrix and Single Bus applications
available from the Kaleido-X Web page).
[Ref. #26559]
Keyboard configuration:
If you change the external keyboard
configuration for a currently active RCP user, the user must log on to the room again for
the change to be effective.
[Ref. #20323]
It may happen that the list of rooms discovered on the
network by the Kaleido-RCP2 is incomplete.
Try to obtain the room list again. On the Kaleido-RCP2, press the ESC
button to return to the Configuration menu, and then press ENTER to select ROOM
SELECTION and obtain the room list from all multi-viewer systems that are currently
available on the network.
[Ref. #25642]
Blinking pointer:
In cases where the two heads from the same dual-head
output are associated with displays in separate rooms, the RCP user in each room may
notice that the mouse pointer is blinking.
[Ref. #25497/25500]
Large mouse pointer option:
When using XEdit in online mode, after
you select or clear the
Use large mouse pointer
option and save your change the
pointer size may not be immediately adjusted on the monitor wall.
In the case of a KMV-3901/3911, restart the multi-viewer; for other multi-
viewer models, refresh the current layout or load a different layout.