7 Diagnostic Properties of the
7.4 Error in Actuator Power Supply
Target value
Actual value
OK, no diagnosis
OK, no diagnosis
Short circuit, channel indicator
is red. Channel error bit in the
diagnosis is set. Channel is
locked after error is removed.
Voltage fed back in, red and
yellow/white channel indicators
are activated. Channel error bit
in the diagnosis is set.
Table 26: Interpretation of channel errors
If both output channels of an M12 slot are activated when
a channel error occurs, the controller locks both channels, even if only
one channel is affected by the error. If only one channel is activated,
the controller only locks this one. Locked channels are deactivated
and remain in the Off state if you do not reset them using the controller.
If there is an overload, the status indicator of the active output channel lights
up red. If both output channels of an M12 slot are active during an overload,
both status indicators light up red.
A channel error alarm is sent to the PROFINET I/O controller.
The overload error is filtered by the "Surveillance Timeout" parameter. The
identical "Surveillance-Timeout" parameter setting applies for the channel,
voltage and overload errors, which are explained in the
7.4 Error in Actuator Power Supply
The voltage value at the connections for the power supply of the actuators is
monitored globally and at the module level.
If the actuator power supply U
goes outside the voltage range of 18 to
30 V, an error is reported. The U
indicator lights up red, and the actuator
undervoltage bit is set in the module information byte.
Technical Manual LioN-P PROFINET
Version 2.0 10/2017