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Belden Cable Preparation Tool Instructions | ECOS_BDC_0714_A_AG
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Belden Cable Preparation Tool
Instructions - 1797B
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Fundamental Tool Guidelines
The 1797B stripping tool can cover a wide variety of bonded pairs,
and the proper slot selection can be made quickly and accurately,
without knowing the insulated conductors’ dimensions.
The 1797B utility tool is designed
to hold a Bonded Pair in slot A, B or
C such that the WIDTH of the two
bonded wires ideally just touches
the edges of the slot’s major WIDTH
(see diagram). When the two identical
sized bonded wires are placed in the
selected slot, the splicing blade is centered between the pairs, and
separates the bond when the pairs are pushed through the tool.
To find the most ideally centered blade position, use the
largest slot
“C” to hold a short tip of the pair being separated. Untwist the pair by
rotating the tool opposite the pair lay. Once a small section length of
bonded pair is untwisted, place the pair in each slot; A, B and C, until
smallest slot width
is found that the pair will pass through.
try to force the pair through a slot that is too small as the pair will
bend, but select the smallest slot that receives the width of the pair.
Selecting the smallest slot possible ensures the blade is centered
between the two bonded insulated conductors, and will allow the pair
to pass through freely under pressure.
Using this untwist / size technique the ideal slot width; A, B or C can
be quickly identified for any bonded pair cable.
Blade Slot Selection Table