Sound module USM-RC-3
Configuration - Servo outputs - Servos 1 + 2
The 4 servo outputs (see page 55) of the USM-RC-3 can be configured here.
If servo outputs 1 and 2 are to be used, they must be switched on in the Sound-
Teacher. Servo outputs 3 and 4 are always activated automatically.
Home position
The servo goes always to the home position after turning on the USM-RC-3.
Positions #1 - #4
These positions can be approached by functions (for example the proportional
inputs, nautic/multiswitches or the EKMFA mode).
To move the positions, click with the mouse on the slider and move the pointer to the
desired position.
The speed, with which the servo is moved, can be adjusted in 20 steps. It should be
noted that each servo by itself has certain inertia. So even at maximum speed, a
certain amount of time is needed to reach the selected position
Expanded servo way
The usual length for a standard servo pulse is 1.000 to 2.000ms. Sometimes it is
desirable to expand this area so that the travel is a bit inreased. If this option is
enabled, the servo positions can be set now between 0.700 - 2.300ms.
Not all servos are suitable for this enhanced servo range and may get
damaged! Therefore, use this function only with special care.