N-3940 PORSGRUNN, Norway
The system controls BEHA Convector Panel Heaters type P
and L. In addition to the iJaz Central Control Unit each heater
needs a RP 200 Radio Plug for wireless communication
between the central control unit and the heater. A wireless
switch (SP 16) for switching on and off other appliances like
lights, coffee maker, hot water tank etc. is available. The SP 16
is designed for DIN wall power outlets.
iJaz can control up to 16 zones and each zone can control an
unlimited number of heaters and/or other appliances
A zone can be a heating zone e.g. a living room or a switch
zone like the household coffee maker. Each of the 16 zones
has a unique address, preventing the possibility of a conflict
with another iJaz system. Each zone can have unlimited
numbers of units connected.
When installing the system start by planning all zones you
want the central unit to control. Install the heaters and the radio
plugs (RP 200). When installing the heaters use the heater
Installation Instructions. To achieve the best possible
communication it is recommended installing the iJaz central
control unit in the centre of the house or flat.
The wireless connection of the iJaz central control will vary
depending on how many walls and types of walls the signal will
have to penetrate. The distance in open air is up to 300 metres
Two independent programmes should be prepared.
programme: This programme is for daily use and should
contain temperature reduction periods for each of the heating
zones. It is possible to programme each day differently with
minimum periods of 15 minutes. All heating zones have a factory
installed default weekly programme
from home programme: This programme is used for longer
periods of absence, typically holidays, business trips etc.
Programme each heating zone to be as cold as possible to save
maximum energy. If you choose to leave the room temperature at
5 ºC or switch off the heaters completely in some of the rooms
please remember to set your return time to a few hours earlier
than your return. It takes some time to bring the room temperature
back to a normal level
The sketch shows iJaz with six heater zones and two switch
zones. The living room is split into two zones; one zone
covering three heaters and the other covering one switch.
When starting iJaz the correct time and date must be set. The time and
date can also be entered in “Menu Settings”.
How to set time and date: use the arrow keys to move left and right. The
cursor will move and indicate the value to set using the + and keys.
When setting is completed press OK. (The display is pressure sensitive
and works as a keyboard.)
When pressing
key the user information appears. The
key is
present in almost all the screens giving explanations to the current
picture. It makes the iJaz simple to use.
After time and date is set the system moves directly to choosing a zone.
The planned zones must be entered into the programme. The main
screen will show the zones in the same sequence as they were entered,
first on top, next as second etc.
A zone can control either heaters or wireless switches, not both. When a
zone is established a choice must be made to whether it is a heater zone
or a switch zone. Zones are made under “Menu” and “Zones”. The icon
indicating a heater zone is illustrated as a heater radiating heat waves.
The icon of a switch zone is illustrated as a wall socket.
A heat zone indicated by the icon in the upper left corner is established.
After the icon is the chosen zone name. The writing keys are similar to
and used in the same way as the key pad of a mobile phone. Press OK
when the zone name is entered. Many of the windows have a return key,
bringing you back to the previous screen.
This is the main screen after zones have been established and connected.
The upper grey field contains information about the current programme
mode, time and date and the room temperature where iJaz is installed. In this
main screen the zones from our example have been connected. More zones
will appear on the screen when using the up and down keys.
Adjusting time and date
Welcome to the iJaz wireless control system.
Zone, type and name
Main Screen
Establish and connect zones
After the first zone has been entered with a name it will appear on the screen.
Additional zones are established by pressing “NEW”. Repeat the procedure
until all planned zones are entered. Incorrect entries can be corrected by
using the “Delete/change” key. From the main screen you will find the
procedure for “Establish and Connect Zones” when pressing key “Menu”
and “Zones”. You may at any time add new zones, delete zones and change
the name of zones.
The symbol
shows that a connecting attempt has not been made.
When the “Connect” key is pressed iJaz starts transmitting its unique code
for the chosen zone. The code is transmitted continuously until “OK” is
pressed. The icon in the upper left corner shows it is a heater zone. A heater
or a switch is connected to the chosen zone by pressing the “PAUSE” button
on the RP 200 or SP 16 for 3 to 5 sec. If the connection is successful the unit
will give a acknowledgement signal by 3 blinks of the green LED. See RP
200 and SP 16 User Instructions. After connecting all heaters or switches in
the zone, complete the procedure by pressing “OK”.
Repeat the procedure for the remaining zones. It is possible at any time to
connect additional heaters or switches to a heater or switch zone by pressing
“Connect” for the wanted zone. Then press “PAUSE” on the RP 200, SP 16
iJaz is designed for wall installation. Start
with selecting the place of installation. The
recommended height from the floor to the
centre of the display is 160 cm to 180 cm,
depending on how tall the operators are. We
recommend that you familiarize yourself with
the product before it is mounted on the wall. It
will make it easier to choose the best
possible height. Connect the iJaz central
control to the power source. Then it is easier
to decide which angle gives better visual
display. The display contrast can be
When the location is decided it is time to fix
the wall bracket.
Remove the wall bracket like this: 1. Press the lock. 2. Tilt it
upwards. 3. Slide the bracket off as shown.
The figure shows how to connect the power supply. Only the
power supply delivered with the product should be used.
iJaz can be installed onto a wall
junction box to hide the cable if
desired or directly on the wall. A
9V power supply for connection
to 230V single phase supply is
room 1
room 2
Stove with RP200
Sp16, Wireless switch
Symbols explanations
The symbols appearing in the zones are:
Indicates that an attempt to connect the zone has not been done.
Indicates the temperature setting of the heater is being maintained.
The communication LED on the RP 200 will show a steady green light.
Indicates lowering the temperature by 5 ºC room temperature from
the set thermostat temperature.
The communication LED on RP 200 will show a blinking green light.
Frost safeguard. Maintaining a minimum of 5 ºC in the room.
The communication LED on RP 200 will show a fast blinking green
Heater off. The heater will not produce any heat.
The communication LED on RP 200 will show an orange light.
This function can be used with the “Away from home” programme only.
Switch is on.
Switch is off.
Shows a zone in PAUSE mode. Heaters connected to this zone will
operate to the temperature set. If the zone is a switch zone the
automatic on/off functions are cancelled and the set PAUSE mode
iJaz Central Control
User Instructions
programmable wireless control system for beha panel heaters.
Save energy!
Wireless control system for BEHA panel
The iJaz system is simple in design and can
be installed without proffesional assistance.
Control 16 heater or switch zones,
touch screen operated.
Each zone can control an infinite numbers of
heaters or switches.
The iJaz central unit has a built in thermo meter
with output for frost alarm.
Possible to connect a GSM receiver for remote
Available units
Model: SP16
Radio switch for DIN sockets
5449901 hvit
5449902 sort
Model: RP200
Radio plug for BEHA heaters, white or black.
EL-nr: 5449903
Rev. A
Sett correct date and time!
Adjusting time and date
Choosing a zone