Please read these instructions
carefully prior to installing your
BeeHome in the garden.
About your BeeHome
This year BeeGAP is providing
each Leafcutter BeeHome with
seasoned and reusable wooden
leafcutter bee nesting trays.
These nesting trays have been
used in our commercial leafcutter
bee breeding programme and
coated with important leafcutter
bee pheromones.
The presence of these pheromones
on the nesting trays will provide
you the greatest possible success
when raising your own leafcutter
bees this seasons.
Once your leafcutter bees start to
emerge from their cocoons this
season, they will begin looking for
attractive nesting sites - and this is
where your seasoned nesting trays
become valuable.
The bees will be more attracted to
locations where previous nesting
activity has already occurred.
Positioning your BeeHome
Ideally you should look to position
your BeeHome somewhere you can
sit back, relax and enjoy the activity
of the bees once nesting activities
Position your BeeHome to receive a
good amount of morning sunshine.
Early morning sun is important, as
this helps to warm the bees up and
assists them to become more active
and productive earlier in the day.
If possible, position in a sheltered
location away from strong prevailing
A good height to position the
BeeHome is around 1-2 meters off
the ground. This height is great for
viewing and checking on activity.
If you live in an area with extreme
heat or dry spells, consider placing
the BeeHome somewhere that gets
shade as midday approaches to
avoid the bees from overheating.