Version: 1.3
Index 8023 "STM Controller Settings 4 Ch. 1"
8023:03 “Disable motor diagnosis”
Set this parameter to TRUE. This disables the diagnosis feature during align phase.
8023:12 „Velocity loop proportional gain“
Set this parameter to zero. This disables the velocity controller. Reenable it after
been successfully completed.
8023:13 “Velocity feed forward”
Unit: %
Set this parameter to 100. This makes the target velocity value bypass the velocity controller.
8023:14 „Sensorless offset scaling“
Set this parameter to 80.
8023:19 “Rampup velocity”
Unit: °/s (degrees per second)
Set this parameter to the same value as parameter
8023:21 "Rampup needed switchover events"
Set this parameter to 1.