Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 3.5
"SDOs" tab
Fig. 105: "SDOs" tab
SDO inputs sent to the node at StartUp are displayed/managed on this page. Inputs with an object index in
straight brackets are automatically created on the basis of the updated terminal configuration. Other inputs
can be managed using ”Add", ”Insert", ”Delete" and ”Edit".
"RxPDOs" tab
Displays the RxPDOs used for the node.
"TxPDOs" tab
Displays the TxPDOs used for the node.
“ADS” tab
The node (Bus Coupler) is assigned an ADS port to enable writing and reading of SDO objects at runtime
(e.g. from the PLC). It can be changed if required. The ADS IndexGroup contains the CANopen object index
and the ADS IndexOffset contains the CANopen Sub-Index. See chapter
details of SDO communication via ADS.
“Diag” tab
Diagnostic information is displayed here. The window contents are not cyclically refreshed; select the
"Refresh" button if necessary. The diagnostic information displayed can also be
CANopen devices
CANopen devices which are not recognized by the TwinCAT System Manager can be incorporated into the
network by selecting the box ”CANopen Node”. The CAN(open) messages (PDOs) can be configured
directly for these devices. This will guarantee the optimum flexibility of this general CANopen interface.
When using the FC510x / EL6751, this box also enables you to receive and send any CAN identifier - this
enables communication with any CAN node. The only condition is the support of at least one of the