Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 2.8
DPV1-Class 2
With FC310x/EL6731, a DPV1 class 2 connection to a DPV1 slave can be activated. The Timeout parameter
is used to set the connection monitoring time for the class 2 connection (see section
DP Class 2
If the DP slave is in data exchange with another master but should nevertheless be addressed acyclically by
TwinCAT, select "No cycl. connection" under DP class 2. The "ReadOnly" setting is not supported at present.
With this button, provided TwinCAT has been started, cyclic data exchange with the DP slave can be
disabled and re-established immediately (corresponds to a IO reset but only for the one slave).
Features tab
Fig. 96: Features tab
Data_Exchange poll rate [only FC310x]
A different polling rate (Divider) can be set for each slave. Divider 1 means that the slave is polled during
each cycle, Divider 2 means every 2
cycle, etc. The modulo will distribute slaves with dividers greater than
1 across different cycles in order to minimize the maximum cycle time (divider 2 and modulo 0 means that
the slave is polled every even-numbered cycle, divider 2 and modulo 1 means that the slave is polled every
oddly-numbered cycle). (see the section on
Slave Prioritization/Multiple DP Cycles [
Additional Data_Exchange samples
It is possible to run a number of DP cycles within one task cycle. It is then optionally possible for each slave
to be supplied with different output data in each DP cycle, and for the input data from each of those DP
cycles to be transferred to the controller. In this case, there is an individual set of variables for each DP cycle
(see the section on
Slave Prioritization/Multiple DP Cycles [
NoAnswer reaction
You can specify, for each slave, whether it should remain in the Data Exch, despite responding incorrectly or
not at all. In this case (Stay in Data-Exch), data exchange is only exited if the slave has never responded
correctly within the address monitoring time (provided the
(see the box's
tab) is
activated, otherwise data exchange is only terminated once the slave has not responded correctly 65,535
times) (see the