Directions for Installation:
Remove the burner cover from the box or burner.
Remove the air inlet louvers on the burner air inlet box by removing the single Phillips-head screw.
Attach the outside air duct bracket to the burner cover mounting plate with two hex-head sheet
metal screws to fi ll the gap around the front of the outside air duct.
Attach the outside air adapter to the air inlet box on the burner with two Phillips-head screws. Make
sure the tongue, on the bottom of adapter, slips into the air inlet box.
Attach 4” galvanized steel duct to outside air adapter, route to wall terminal. See Figure 2. Do not
exceed the maximum effective duct length of 80’, including 7’ for each elbow.
Remove the fi ller plate from the burner cover (clips are used to hold the plate in place) or remove
the knock-out plate on older model covers, to allow the outside air duct to fi t through the top of the
cover. Install edge trim along the opening in the cover. Cut away any excess foam.
Place the burner cover into position over the burner and around the outside air duct and secure to
the plate.
NX Burner
Outside Air Adapter Kit
Part Number 1014U
Form 61378 R03
Abundant fresh air is required for complete combustion of fuel oil.
Install the outside air adapter to the burner following the instructions provided below.
The duct piping components, terminal inlet and clearances must comply with appliance manufacturers’
instructions, all codes having jurisdiction and the latest edition of National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 31 Standard.
With duct system installed, adjust combustion to the level specifi ed by the appliance manufacturer or
refer to NX Burner Manual section, “Set Combustion with Test Instruments”.
Failure to install the outside air duct system correctly could result in inadequate
air for combustion and cause equipment malfunction
Potential for Smoke, Fire or Asphyxiation Hazards