Installation Instruction:
Product: TVK-10
Car Model: 2008-2010 Toyota Highlander
The following is for information purpose only and we are not responsible to damage, loss or injury
caused from attempting or performing the DIY. Further, the navigation and DVD lock while in motion
was originally installed for safety reasons. By unlocking the navigation and DVD lock, we are assuming
that the navigation and DVD will be controlled and enjoyed by the passenger(s) and not by the driver. As
such, are not responsible to damage, loss or injury from using the bypass modules. Please be
responsible drivers!
About the Beat-Sonic
NAV/DVD Bypass Module
100% Plug and play kit from Beat-Sonic for allowing use of factory features that would be
locked out during vehicle movement.
These plug and play module kits allow override of the lock out system equipped in your factory TV or
Navigation/DVD system when the vehicle is in motion. Due to the fact that no modification is needed on
the factory harness and this is 100% plug and play, it is easily reversible to the original factory specs
without showing any signs that this modification was ever made.
The TVK-10
modules are equipped with manual functionality switch where the override of the
navigation lock out may be enabled simply by toggling the switch to "TV". Once the switch is engaged,
the module tricks the factory navigation system to thinking that it is at a stop and enables the use of all
the controls including the navigation address input, POI, blue-tooth contacts, mp3 music select, etc.
When the button is depressed, the vehicle will return to its normal state and will take couple of seconds
to refresh the correct vehicle location on the map. This module will also allow Video in Motion during
vehicle movement if the vehicle is equipped with a factory DVD player or any aftermarket video input
Installation starts here:
(a) Apply protective tape to the areas shown in the illustration.
(b) Using a molding remover, disengage the 2 claws and 5 clips, and then remove the center instrument panel
register assembly as shown in the illustration.