Beacon IT001 (TWHBC01 module) User Manual
IT001 is a broadcast protocol based on the bluetooth BLE protocol. It is usually installed in a
suitable location, and it will broadcast continuously or periodically to its surrounding environment
The IT001 beacon allows to create Bluetooth® Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) 5.0 solutions. Besides
basic Bluetooth LE advertising functionality via radio transmission, the TWHBC01 beacon allows
additional functionality thanks to the add-on hardware components: a green and a red LED, a push
button and an accelerometer with built-in thermometer. Depending on the casing not all hardware
components may be present or can be used. The accelerometer can be configured for detection
of specific events. Currently the following events are supported: free fall, single tap, double tap,
activity/movement and flip-flop.
There are two aspects concerning the TWHBC01 beacon firmware.
On the one hand there is a firmware implemented as a release HEX file with functionality as
described in this document. A major objective in the implementation is low current consumption
hence long battery lifetime. There are many parameters that affect the behavior of the firmware.
The release firmware has default values for these parameters.
Firmware Functionality
TWHBC01 beacon can be in five modes:
• Transport & Warehousing
• Configuration
• Operational Active
• Operational Active_Alarm
• Operational Passive_Alarm
By Operational mode we refer to the actual mode that is configured and can be either Operational
Active, Operational Active_Alarm or Operational Passive_Alarm.
Transport & Warehousing mode
As its name suggests, this mode is meant for the beacon to be silent for a long period and only to
be woken up when needed. Therefore this mode has no advertising broadcast.
Wake-up can occur on possible events:
• Accelerometer event
• Short press on push button
On wakeup the beacon goes to the configured Operational mode.
Operational Active mode
In this mode the beacon does an undirected advertising (broadcast) with frame content defined
by the configuration parameters. The broadcast can be either connectable or non-connectable.
When it is connectable, the beacon reverts to Configuration mode on connection by a (central)
client, where a new configuration can be uploaded. The connectable option should only be used
for testing purposes.
Based on configuration settings, the push button and/or accelerometer can be enabled.
On occurrence of the alarm state, which is triggered by either a long press of the push button or
on accelerometer event, the beacon stops advertising for a given period (alarm duration timer),
after which it restarts normal broadcast.
Operational Active_Alarm mode
This mode is similar to the Operational Active mode, except that during the alarm state the beacon
broadcasts an alarm frame instead of being silent.
On occurrence of the alarm state, the beacon starts an undirected alarm broadcast for a given
period (alarm duration timer), after which it restarts normal broadcast.