Job Aid
BD FACSCelesta™, BD LSRFortessa™, and
BD FACSymphony™ Analyzer
families: Flushing the
system using standard fluidics
This job aid contains instructions for performing a system flush using standard fluidics on BD LSRFortessa™, BD FACSCelesta™,
and BD FACSymphony™ Flow Cytometers. A system flush cleans the overall fluidics to remove debris and contaminants from the
sheath and waste tubing and flow cell. Perform the system flush at least every two weeks. See your instrument’s users guide for
additional information.
Before you begin
You will need the following items:
Stainless steel sheath tank
2 L of undiluted BD FACSClean™ Solution or
a freshly prepared 10% bleach solution
2 L of 1.5% BD
Detergent Solution
4 L of deionized (DI) water
Bypass the sheath filter
Do not run detergent, bleach, or ethanol through the
sheath filter. These fluids can break down the filter paper
within the filter body, causing particles to escape into the
sheath fluid, possibly clogging the flow cell.
Press the quick-disconnects on both sides of the filter
Remove the filter assembly.
Connect the two fluid lines.
Empty the stainless steel sheath tank and rinse it with DI
water. Empty the waste tank, if needed.