Outlet Thresholds for device 1, MMP-27
Threshold values listed next to outlet number.
Enter outlet number to change associated thresholds.
Outlet PF (%) Pwr (W) | Outlet PF (%) Pwr(W)
1 100 10 | 13 100 10
2 100 10 | 14 100 10
3 100 10 | 15 100 10
4 100 10 | 16 100 10
5 100 10 | 17 100 10
6 100 10 | 18 100 10
7 100 10 | 19 100 10
8 100 10 | 20 100 10
9 100 10 | 21 100 10
10 100 10 | 22 100 10
11 100 10 | 23 100 10
12 100 10 | 24 100 10
Enter Request :1
Select 2),
to display Outlet Power
Factor (PF) Threshold.
Unit displays the Breaker Circuit
Threshold Menu with current values.
Select 2),
to change the Minimum
Power Threshold level. Enter a value.
Factory Default is (50w).
Breaker Circuit Threshold Menu
Device 1, Breaker Circuit 1
Efficiency Threshold: 100, Power Threshold: 10
Power/VA Power Factor Threshold....1
Minimum Power Threshold............2
Enter Request :2
Minimum power required to generate an SNMP power factor
trap if power factor is below threshold.
Enter threshold value:
Circuit Power Factor Thresholds....1
Outlet Power Factor Thresholds.....2
Enter Request :1
The unit displays the number of
outlets on the unit. Select an outlet
number to change the values for
Power Factor (PF) Threshold and
Power Threshold.
Outlet Circuit Threshold Menu
Device 1, Outlet 1
Efficiency Threshold: 100, Power Threshold: 10
Power/VA Power Factor Threshold....1
Minimum Power Threshold............2
Enter Request :
Power/VA ratio threshold as a percent, between 0 and 100, inclusive.
Power factors below this value will generate an SNMP trap, if
enabled and power is above minimum power threshold. A value of 0
disables threshold.
Enter threshold value:
The Power Factor Threshold SNMP alarm is sent only if both respective values drop
below the Power Factor Threshold and Power Threshold at the same time.
Unit displays the Outlet Circuit
Threshold Menu with Device Outlet
number and current values.
Select 1),
to change the Power Factor
Threshold level. Enter a per cent value
Factory Default is (0%).