5. In order to voluntarily overheat the installation and benefit from low-
tariff electricity, set the set point temperatures that can be exceeded.
Tab.68 Voluntary overheating parameters
Adjustment required
Air Src Heat pump >
Parameters, counters, signals >
Parameters > Adv. Parameters
Offset heating - PV
Heating setpoint
temperature offset when
photovoltaic energy is
Set the authorisation to exceed
the heating set point temperature
from 0 to 30 °C
Offset DHW - PV
Domestic hot water
setpoint temperature
offset when photovoltaic
energy is available
Set the authorisation to exceed
the domestic hot water set point
temperature from 0 to 30 °C
9.2.13 Reducing the noise level of the outdoor unit
Silent mode is used to reduce the noise level on the outdoor unit during
programmed hours, particularly at night. This mode gives temporary
precedence to silent running rather than temperature control.
This package is not compatible with the AWHP 4.5 MR outdoor unit.
1. Connect the silent running kit to the outdoor unit.
2. Connect the silent running kit to one of the CIRCA1, CIRCB1, CIRCC1
or CIRCAUX1 zone pump outlets of the SCB-10 PCB.
3. Set the timer programming for this zone: silent mode corresponds to
the Sleep activity.
Menu tree
Menus accessible using the button
Installation Setup
Commissioning Menu
Advanced Service Menu
Error History
System Settings
Version Information
List of parameters
The appliance parameters are described directly in the user interface.
Some of these parameters are listed in the following chapters with
additional information and their default values.
Installation Setup > CIRCA0 > Parameters, counters,
The CIRCA0 circuit is on the EHC–05 PCB.
CP : Circuits Parameters = Heating circuit parameters
9 Settings
7762758 - v05 - 19082020