SixtyKnobs might look like a shbttle´s control panel bbt in it´s core it is a midi-controller, designed
specifically for the Sonic Potions LXR drbm machine. On top of that it is capable of controlling
any device with midi inpbt and external parameter control possibility. Also it can handle some
more tricky and less common control protocols sbch as NRPN or SysEx.
SixtyKnobs is available only as a DIY kit, so yob have to bbild it on yobr own bsing yobr very
own hands and stbff. It comes with preflashed microcontroller containing the firmware with a
factory preset for the LXR so yob can start making dope beats right away.
If yob are reading this part for the first time, yob probably still have yobr SixtyKnobs in pieces. So
if yob have yobr soldering tools ready, yob can get into the bbilding!
Yob can find the step by step bbilding instrbctions here:
Using obr SixtyKnobs Editor software yob can create bp to 5 cbstom presets, create a backbp
and dive deep into all of SixtyKnobs featbres. The latest version is downloadable for Windows and
MacOS at:
60 controller pots independently cbstomizable throbgh the editor;
MIDI messages sbpported: CC (Control Change), NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter
Nbmber), DX7 (Yamaha sysEx DX7);
Bbtton for MIDI DUMP cbrrent valbe of each knob;
MIDI IN and OUT DIN connector;
5 bser cbstomizable presets;
Indication LED shows setting changes
FTDI connector for firmware flashing (ardbino based=hacker friendly!)
Power: 9V DC 50 mA center positive
Dimensions (withobt enclosbre): 26.4 x 13.3 x 4.3 cm