Installation and operation
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When s et ting up, t he appliance mus t be s ecur ed ag ains t ti ppi ng over wit h an anc hor t o t he bas e.
Set up the appli anc e s o that t he combusti on air s uppl y and t he exhaus t gas s ys tem ar e not bl oc ked.
• Position the appliance outdoors or in a large, open, and well-ventilated area.
• Make sure that there are no obstacles nor objects in the installation location,
which might be affected by high temperatures of flames (e.g.: tree branches,
furniture, curtains or other easily flammable objects).
• Never place the appliance directly next to walls or other objects which are made
from flammable materials. Assure the minimum side and back clearance of
20 cm of the appliance. Follow the valid fire protection regulations.
• If keeping the minimum clearance is not possible, and the appliance must be
installed directly next to regular or low walls, pieces of furniture or other
flammable objects, it is necessary to install protective materials (e.g., films made
of materials resistant to high temperatures), which sustain temperatures of at
least 65°C.
Gas Connection
• The appliance is approved and pre-engineered to operate with the type of gas
indicated on the rating plate.
• Please, observe the appropriate regulations and technical specifications
applicable to the installation site. This appliance must only be used with the
supplied pressure regulator and hose rupture guard.
It is not allowed to use other pressure regulators. Nozzles are not
Manually turn the gas knob, turning it left (!) directly on the thread of the propane or
butane liquefied gas cylinder. Only use a liquefied gas regulator with the
following features:
– Output: 50 mbar, 1.5 kg/h
– Setting: liquefied gas G30/G3 13 BP, 50 mbar.
A clearance of at least 50 cm must be maintained between the gas table-top frying
pan and the gas cylinder.
Keep the gas cylinder away from fire.
• Store gas cylinders in vertical position even when empty.
• Use two wrenches of the appropriate nominal diameter to connect the gas hose
to the port on the side of the appliance. Fixing is made with 1 1/2 rotation anti-
clockwise, as it is a fitting with a cutting ring.