Measurements settings
First the sampling frequency must be set up, then the trigger level. In the example, the trigger level
is set at 10 mg on X and Y axes while 50 mg for the Z axis. The trigger is activated if one of the
three axes exceed the respective threshold. The max (recording) length is limited to 120 seconds in
order to make sure to receive the e-mail in a short time. The trigger increment is not activated for
structure monitoring. For additional information, please look at Subsection 5.1.2.
The values used for the triggers cannot be defined
a priori
, but they must be chosen according to
evaluation tests done at the site or the calculated response spectrum of the monitored location.
There is a bandpass filter trigger between in the frequency range 0.5-15 Hz applied
on the signal. Please refer to Subsection 5.1.2.
Figure 4.1.7. Selection of the sampling frequency.
Figure 4.1.8. Set up of the trigger.