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page 13
This machine may have several components which are at high temperatures under normal operating conditions, such
as the engine, exhaust system, brake system and transmission.
Clean the machine often. High pressure washing of the machine is suggested every 1000 hours (or 6 months) and
always after a spill.
The following list of hazards provides information which will help to prevent fires:
Always keep a fire extinguisher and
Always keep a fire extinguisher and
Always keep a fire extinguisher and
Always keep a fire extinguisher and
Always keep a fire extinguisher and
first aid kit where they can be easily
first aid kit where they can be easily
first aid kit where they can be easily
first aid kit where they can be easily
first aid kit where they can be easily
reached in case of fire and keep
reached in case of fire and keep
reached in case of fire and keep
reached in case of fire and keep
reached in case of fire and keep
these items properly maintained.
these items properly maintained.
these items properly maintained.
these items properly maintained.
these items properly maintained.
Operating personnel should be
Operating personnel should be
Operating personnel should be
Operating personnel should be
Operating personnel should be
instructed on what to do in case of
instructed on what to do in case of
instructed on what to do in case of
instructed on what to do in case of
instructed on what to do in case of
fire and be required to demonstrate
fire and be required to demonstrate
fire and be required to demonstrate
fire and be required to demonstrate
fire and be required to demonstrate
how to use fire extinguisher and fire
how to use fire extinguisher and fire
how to use fire extinguisher and fire
how to use fire extinguisher and fire
how to use fire extinguisher and fire
suppression equipment.
suppression equipment.
suppression equipment.
suppression equipment.
suppression equipment.
Any portable fire extinguisher or fire
Any portable fire extinguisher or fire
Any portable fire extinguisher or fire
Any portable fire extinguisher or fire
Any portable fire extinguisher or fire
suppression system carried on the
suppression system carried on the
suppression system carried on the
suppression system carried on the
suppression system carried on the
machine that has been used, should
machine that has been used, should
machine that has been used, should
machine that has been used, should
machine that has been used, should
be recharged or replaced before the
be recharged or replaced before the
be recharged or replaced before the
be recharged or replaced before the
be recharged or replaced before the
machine resumes operating. Fire
machine resumes operating. Fire
machine resumes operating. Fire
machine resumes operating. Fire
machine resumes operating. Fire
extinguisher manufacturers
extinguisher manufacturers
extinguisher manufacturers
extinguisher manufacturers
extinguisher manufacturers
recommended service intervals
recommended service intervals
recommended service intervals
recommended service intervals
recommended service intervals
should be followed.
should be followed.
should be followed.
should be followed.
should be followed.
Allow machine to cool down by idling
Allow machine to cool down by idling
Allow machine to cool down by idling
Allow machine to cool down by idling
Allow machine to cool down by idling
the engine for a while before shut-
the engine for a while before shut-
the engine for a while before shut-
the engine for a while before shut-
the engine for a while before shut-
down. Many engine and transmission
down. Many engine and transmission
down. Many engine and transmission
down. Many engine and transmission
down. Many engine and transmission
fires start
fires start
fires start
fires start
fires start after
after shut-down.
Before adding fuel, shut down the
Before adding fuel, shut down the
Before adding fuel, shut down the
Before adding fuel, shut down the
Before adding fuel, shut down the
engine and allow it to cool. Never
engine and allow it to cool. Never
engine and allow it to cool. Never
engine and allow it to cool. Never
engine and allow it to cool. Never
smoke while handling fuel or working
smoke while handling fuel or working
smoke while handling fuel or working
smoke while handling fuel or working
smoke while handling fuel or working
on either the fuel or the hydraulic
on either the fuel or the hydraulic
on either the fuel or the hydraulic
on either the fuel or the hydraulic
on either the fuel or the hydraulic
Do not use the machine in areas with
Do not use the machine in areas with
Do not use the machine in areas with
Do not use the machine in areas with
Do not use the machine in areas with
explosive dust or gases that can be
explosive dust or gases that can be
explosive dust or gases that can be
explosive dust or gases that can be
explosive dust or gases that can be
ignited by arcs, sparks, hot
ignited by arcs, sparks, hot
ignited by arcs, sparks, hot
ignited by arcs, sparks, hot
ignited by arcs, sparks, hot
components, or exhaust fumes.
components, or exhaust fumes.
components, or exhaust fumes.
components, or exhaust fumes.
components, or exhaust fumes.
Daily inspect the machine for
Daily inspect the machine for
Daily inspect the machine for
Daily inspect the machine for
Daily inspect the machine for
flammable debris, removing any twigs,
flammable debris, removing any twigs,
flammable debris, removing any twigs,
flammable debris, removing any twigs,
flammable debris, removing any twigs,
leaves, straw, rags, fluid spills or
leaves, straw, rags, fluid spills or
leaves, straw, rags, fluid spills or
leaves, straw, rags, fluid spills or
leaves, straw, rags, fluid spills or
leaks, dirt or grime. Pay special
leaks, dirt or grime. Pay special
leaks, dirt or grime. Pay special
leaks, dirt or grime. Pay special
leaks, dirt or grime. Pay special
attention to areas such as the engine,
attention to areas such as the engine,
attention to areas such as the engine,
attention to areas such as the engine,
attention to areas such as the engine,
engine cooling system, exhaust
engine cooling system, exhaust
engine cooling system, exhaust
engine cooling system, exhaust
engine cooling system, exhaust
system, battery, electrical
system, battery, electrical
system, battery, electrical
system, battery, electrical
system, battery, electrical
connections, brake systems,
connections, brake systems,
connections, brake systems,
connections, brake systems,
connections, brake systems,
transmission/drivetrain, fuel system
transmission/drivetrain, fuel system
transmission/drivetrain, fuel system
transmission/drivetrain, fuel system
transmission/drivetrain, fuel system
and hydraulic system. Clean as often
and hydraulic system. Clean as often
and hydraulic system. Clean as often
and hydraulic system. Clean as often
and hydraulic system. Clean as often
as necessary to help prevent
as necessary to help prevent
as necessary to help prevent
as necessary to help prevent
as necessary to help prevent
overheating and combustion.
overheating and combustion.
overheating and combustion.
overheating and combustion.
overheating and combustion.
The electrical system (battery,
The electrical system (battery,
The electrical system (battery,
The electrical system (battery,
The electrical system (battery,
electrical connections, etc.) can be a
electrical connections, etc.) can be a
electrical connections, etc.) can be a
electrical connections, etc.) can be a
electrical connections, etc.) can be a
source of arcs or sparks if damaged
source of arcs or sparks if damaged
source of arcs or sparks if damaged
source of arcs or sparks if damaged
source of arcs or sparks if damaged
or incorrectly maintained. Daily
or incorrectly maintained. Daily
or incorrectly maintained. Daily
or incorrectly maintained. Daily
or incorrectly maintained. Daily
inspect all electrical wiring and
inspect all electrical wiring and
inspect all electrical wiring and
inspect all electrical wiring and
inspect all electrical wiring and
connections for damage. Keep the
connections for damage. Keep the
connections for damage. Keep the
connections for damage. Keep the
connections for damage. Keep the
battery terminals clean and tight.
battery terminals clean and tight.
battery terminals clean and tight.
battery terminals clean and tight.
battery terminals clean and tight.
Replace or repair any damaged part.
Replace or repair any damaged part.
Replace or repair any damaged part.
Replace or repair any damaged part.
Replace or repair any damaged part.
Use proper battery connection and
Use proper battery connection and
Use proper battery connection and
Use proper battery connection and
Use proper battery connection and
disconnection procedures.
disconnection procedures.
disconnection procedures.
disconnection procedures.
disconnection procedures.
Daily inspect all fuel and hydraulic oil
Daily inspect all fuel and hydraulic oil
Daily inspect all fuel and hydraulic oil
Daily inspect all fuel and hydraulic oil
Daily inspect all fuel and hydraulic oil
tubes, hoses, and fittings for damage
tubes, hoses, and fittings for damage
tubes, hoses, and fittings for damage
tubes, hoses, and fittings for damage
tubes, hoses, and fittings for damage
and leakage. Tighten or replace as
and leakage. Tighten or replace as
and leakage. Tighten or replace as
and leakage. Tighten or replace as
and leakage. Tighten or replace as
necessary. Always clean fluid spills.
necessary. Always clean fluid spills.
necessary. Always clean fluid spills.
necessary. Always clean fluid spills.
necessary. Always clean fluid spills.
Do not use ether or starting fluids on
Do not use ether or starting fluids on
Do not use ether or starting fluids on
Do not use ether or starting fluids on
Do not use ether or starting fluids on
diesel engines with glow plugs.
diesel engines with glow plugs.
diesel engines with glow plugs.
diesel engines with glow plugs.
diesel engines with glow plugs.
These starting aids can explode and
These starting aids can explode and
These starting aids can explode and
These starting aids can explode and
These starting aids can explode and
injure bystanders.
injure bystanders.
injure bystanders.
injure bystanders.
injure bystanders.
Before doing welding of any kind,
Before doing welding of any kind,
Before doing welding of any kind,
Before doing welding of any kind,
Before doing welding of any kind,
clean machine and disconnect battery
clean machine and disconnect battery
clean machine and disconnect battery
clean machine and disconnect battery
clean machine and disconnect battery
cables. Cover rubber hoses, battery,
cables. Cover rubber hoses, battery,
cables. Cover rubber hoses, battery,
cables. Cover rubber hoses, battery,
cables. Cover rubber hoses, battery,
and other flammable parts. Never
and other flammable parts. Never
and other flammable parts. Never
and other flammable parts. Never
and other flammable parts. Never
ground an arc welder or electrical
ground an arc welder or electrical
ground an arc welder or electrical
ground an arc welder or electrical
ground an arc welder or electrical
accessories through turntable or
accessories through turntable or
accessories through turntable or
accessories through turntable or
accessories through turntable or
boom bearings as arcing may occur
boom bearings as arcing may occur
boom bearings as arcing may occur
boom bearings as arcing may occur
boom bearings as arcing may occur
causing bearing damage.
causing bearing damage.
causing bearing damage.
causing bearing damage.
causing bearing damage.
Do not weld on any structural member
Do not weld on any structural member
Do not weld on any structural member
Do not weld on any structural member
Do not weld on any structural member
unless specifically authorized by
unless specifically authorized by
unless specifically authorized by
unless specifically authorized by
unless specifically authorized by
B a r k o
B a r k o
B a r k o
B a r k o
B a r k o
Hydraulics. Any unauthorized welding
Hydraulics. Any unauthorized welding
Hydraulics. Any unauthorized welding
Hydraulics. Any unauthorized welding
Hydraulics. Any unauthorized welding
or welding procedures will void the
or welding procedures will void the
or welding procedures will void the
or welding procedures will void the
or welding procedures will void the
warranty, and may cause structural
warranty, and may cause structural
warranty, and may cause structural
warranty, and may cause structural
warranty, and may cause structural
Read the Engine Manual that comes
Read the Engine Manual that comes
Read the Engine Manual that comes
Read the Engine Manual that comes
Read the Engine Manual that comes
with every machine for complete
with every machine for complete
with every machine for complete
with every machine for complete
with every machine for complete
engine operating and engine safety
engine operating and engine safety
engine operating and engine safety
engine operating and engine safety
engine operating and engine safety
The cabs have an optional fire extinguisher mounting plate that is
The cabs have an optional fire extinguisher mounting plate that is
The cabs have an optional fire extinguisher mounting plate that is
The cabs have an optional fire extinguisher mounting plate that is
The cabs have an optional fire extinguisher mounting plate that is
welded to the outer shell of the cab.
welded to the outer shell of the cab.
welded to the outer shell of the cab.
welded to the outer shell of the cab.
welded to the outer shell of the cab.
1. Feel for the location of the plate through the
Feel for the location of the plate through the
Feel for the location of the plate through the
Feel for the location of the plate through the
Feel for the location of the plate through the fabric, located
fabric, located
fabric, located
fabric, located
fabric, located
below cup holder
below cup holder
below cup holder
below cup holder
below cup holder (see drawing).
(see drawing).
(see drawing).
(see drawing).
(see drawing).
2. Place the bracket in the appropriate position over the fabric
Place the bracket in the appropriate position over the fabric
Place the bracket in the appropriate position over the fabric
Place the bracket in the appropriate position over the fabric
Place the bracket in the appropriate position over the fabric
ensuring both the
ensuring both the
ensuring both the
ensuring both the
ensuring both the top and bottom hole fall within the mounting
top and bottom hole fall within the mounting
top and bottom hole fall within the mounting
top and bottom hole fall within the mounting
top and bottom hole fall within the mounting
3. Using 3/4" long self tapping screws drill through the fabric and
Using 3/4" long self tapping screws drill through the fabric and
Using 3/4" long self tapping screws drill through the fabric and
Using 3/4" long self tapping screws drill through the fabric and
Using 3/4" long self tapping screws drill through the fabric and
the mounting plate. The sound suppressant material has
the mounting plate. The sound suppressant material has
the mounting plate. The sound suppressant material has
the mounting plate. The sound suppressant material has
the mounting plate. The sound suppressant material has
already been removed.
already been removed.
already been removed.
already been removed.
already been removed.
NOTE: Using any screw over 3/4" will damage outer shell of
NOTE: Using any screw over 3/4" will damage outer shell of
NOTE: Using any screw over 3/4" will damage outer shell of
NOTE: Using any screw over 3/4" will damage outer shell of
NOTE: Using any screw over 3/4" will damage outer shell of
c a b .
c a b .
c a b .
c a b .
c a b .
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Mounting Plate
Mounting Plate
Mounting Plate
Mounting Plate
Mounting Plate