The MK-112 Mast Kits are designed to support the BWD/BWDS/BWDI series of folded dipole antennas as well as the AC/
ACS/ACI series of End-Fed Vee antennas. The roof mount series includes the MK112-RM mounting foot which is designed
to secure the bottom of the mast to a variety of roof tops. The roof mount foot is hinged so that it can be used on flat, sloped,
or peaked roofs. The mast sleeve is able to be pivoted, allowing assembly of the mast while it is laying down, and then lifting
with the guys into the upright position.
Antenna Preparation
If you are using a folded dipole antenna (BWD/BWDS/BWDI), assemble the MK112-CM center mount to the antenna.
Refer to the seperate instruction sheet that comes with the mount. For permanent mounting, attach the clamps to the back
of the mount and to the top mast pole. In this case, the halyard line and pulley on the center mast pole is not used. Attach the
end lines to the antenna (Figure 3). Tie the line through the holes in the end spreader. The line to the top of the antenna should
be tied approx 3 inches shorter than the bottom line. This will pull harder on the top antenna wire and prevent windmilling.
Once the antenna is up on the masts, if it does not hang vertically, you may need to further shorten that top line.
The End-Fed antennas (AC/ACS/ACI) do not need any preparation.
Mast Assembly
(1) Take the bottom section of the antenna mast and insert it into the mast sleeve. The bottom section has two holes in it. Turn
it to align the holes in the mast pole with the holes in the sleeve. Using the figure below as a guide, assemble the bolts, flat washers,
and locknuts through the supports, sleeve and mast. Tighten the upper bolt which only goes through the sleeve and mast pole.
The bolt which goes through the supports should be tightened so that the mast sleeve is still just able to be rotated.
(2) Place the assembly where it is to be mounted, and attach it with lags or bolts as appropriate. There will be little force on
this mount as the guy lines support the mast, but ensure that you are attaching to something that is structurally sound.
(3) Pivot the mast down to the roof. You may attach the balance of the mast at this time. Refer to the instruction sheet which
comes with the mast.