To delete an audio file uploaded:
Click on the checkbox for the desired file
The upper row turns red and a trash can appears on the right corner, click on the trash can and confirm the operation to delete the file
Audio Files Scheduler
Only available on devices running FW > 6.x
After uploading the desired audio files, locate the Audio Files Scheduler. Here it is possible to schedule the play out of different files on a weekly
It is possible to create multiple schedules for an ORG and recall the schedules on the desired RetailPlayer devices (part o the same ORG) right
In the scheduler window, the ASSIGN DEVICES button underneath the scheduler allows the user to "push" the schedule to the devices allowed
to play the schedule.
How to schedule audio files
Upload your audio files in the Audio Files Manager
Access the Audio Files Scheduler and click on the "ADD" button to add a new schedule. If a schedule was already created and has to be
modified, simply select the desired schedule from the drop down menu
Assign the Scheduler a name
Choose an "Asset" from the drop down menu. The files uploaded in the Audio Files Manager are listed here.
Double-Click anywhere in the weekly schedule area, in correspondence of the day and time when the file has to play. An icon shows the
positioning of the file
By clicking on the file is possible to move it around the weekly schedule (
: if you are using a track pad, click only once when trying to
drag and drop the file around the schedule)
When a file is selected, a red cross appears. it is possible to delete the file
The maximum size of each individual file has to be < 16MB