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O P T I D R I V E 1ph
For use with single phase PSC or shaded pole motors
User Guide
All rights reserved. No part of this User Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without
permission in writing from the publisher.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect
installation, or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the drive or from mismatching of the drive to the
motor. Optidrive1ph (1-Phase “in” /1-Phase “out”) is designed for use with Permanent-Split-Capacitor (PSC) or
Shaded-Pole motors. It is not recommended for use with switch-type motors (e.g., Split-Phase, Cap Start or Cap
Start-Cap Run).
The contents of this User Guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a
policy of continuous improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its
performance or the contents of the User Guide without notice.
This variable speed drive product (Optidrive1ph) is intended for professional incorporation into complete equipment or
systems. If installed incorrectly it may present a safety hazard. The Optidrive1ph uses high voltages and currents,
carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control mechanical plant that may cause injury. Close
attention is required to system design and electrical installation to avoid hazards in either normal operation or in the
event of equipment malfunction.
System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out only by personnel who have the
necessary training and experience. They must read carefully this safety information and the instructions in this Guide
and follow all information regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the Optidrive1ph, including the specified
environmental limitations.
Please read the
below, and all
boxes elsewhere.
is given where there is a hazard that could lead to injury or death of personnel or damage to
Safety of machinery, and safety-critical applications
Optidrive-1ph hardware and software are designed and tested to a high standard and failures are unlikely.
The level of integrity offered by the Optidrive1ph control functions – for example stop/start,
forward/reverse and maximum speed, is not sufficient for use in safety-critical applications without independent
channels of protection. All applications where malfunction could cause injury or loss of life must be subject to a risk
assessment and further protection provided where needed. Within the European Union, all machinery in which this
product is used must comply with Directive 89/392/EEC, Safety of Machinery. In particular, the electrical equipment
should comply with EN60204-1.
Copyright Bardac Corporation 2004
Except for the purpose of supporting products sold by
Bardac Drives, reproduction of all or any part of these
documents is strictly prohibited.