2. Pre-Installation requirements
Barco – OverView cDG67-DL – R5976624– installation manual – Revision 03 – August-2005
The air pressure within the control room has to be the same on the both sides of the wall
Important remark: the total height of a wall is limited and specified per product. The height (Y-directions)
mentioned in the tables below are based on environmental conditions only. In some cases, the max height will
be limited by the product specification and not by the environmental condition. (same can happen for the
Maximum number of stitch screens in wall configuration
in function of temperature and humidity range
X or Y direction
67" UXGA
23 screens 16 screens 11 screens
% RH
7 screens
6 screens
5 screens
4 screens
3 screens
2 screens
Floor requirements
Sufficient floor space and maintenance area must be available when installing a display wall. (see applicable
drawing and
The floor must have sufficient load carrying capability to withstand weight distribution for all feet (see technical
specifications mechanical construction). It must not sag by more than 1 mm under the load of the display wall.
No installation (venting ducts, sockets etc.) must be present in the floor in the area of the feet. (Advice: An area
of at least 150mm must be kept free around each foot.)
The total construction has to be fixed to the floor. Typical, M10 plugs will be mounted in holes in the floor. If
raised floor (false floor) is used, it’s advised to put the construction on the concrete floor underneath.
To increase the stability additional fixation is advised to the ceiling and or to the wall. This additional fixation is
not delivered by standard. The customer is responsible for drilling holes into the concrete floor or concrete
For installations on wheels the floor must have a certain level of flatness. Carpet or ‘wasting floor’ is not
permissible. The max difference in height must be less than 3mm across the complete floor space of the wall
including the movement area.
Light falling directly on the screen will negatively influence the resulting contrast level. The design of the
lighting should avoid as much as possible light falling directly on to the screen. The real performance of the
projectors will be determined by the light condition on the screen. A good contrast ratio is guaranteed with light
input directly on the screen not more than 50 lux.
There are no constraints on the luminance on e.g. the operator positions.
Light behind the wall is required for installation and service. During normal operations all lights behind the wall
must be switched off. All daylight must be avoided as well.
Bright colors for the ceiling, the walls and floor surrounding the screen have to be avoided. Do not use reflecting
materials for the ceiling, the walls and floor surrounding the screen.
Sufficient lighting in the projection-room is required during installation.