Installation and Operating Instructions
Wireless Room Temperature and Humidity Transmitter
Units without Temperature Setpoint or Override)
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] • Web:www.bapihvac.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.
rev. 06/27/14
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Wireless Temperature and Humidity Transmitter Overview and Indentification
The BAPI Wireless Temperature and Humidity Transmitter measures the
room temperature and Relative Humidity and transmits the data at 418MHz
or 433MHz RF to a receiver. The transmitter is mounted in a BAPI-Stat 2 style
enclosure and has maximum in-building range of open-air range of 100 feet.
The transmit rate is approximately once every 10 seconds with an estimated
battery life of 5 to 8 years using two high-capacity 3.6V lithium batteries. Each
transmitter has a unique address with built-in error detection. Each variable
sent by the transmitter is picked up by the receiver and converted by a sepa-
rate BAPI Analog Output Module to a voltage, current or resistance signal
which is sent to the controller.
Fig. 1:
Wireless Room
Customer Provided Tools and Materials
#2 Philips Screwdriver, 1/8” Screwdriver with 1/16” Allen wrench (BA/116W), Drill with 3/16” (4.7mm) bit
Complete Wireless System Overview
418 MHz System:
The Transmitter measures the temperature or
temp/humidity and transmits the data at 418MHz to
the 418 MHz Receiver up to 100 feet away. The op-
tional temperature setpoint and override status are
also transmitted at 418 MHz to the receiver. The
transmit rate is about once every 10 seconds with
an estimated battery life of 5 to 8 years.
The information sent by the Transmitter is picked
up by the 418 MHz Receiver and passed along
to the Analog Output Modules. Each transmitted
variable (temperature, humidity, setpoint, etc.) is
converted by a separate output module into an
analog resistance, voltage, current or relay contact
which is hard wired to the analog inputs of the BAS
900 MHz System:
The Transmitter mea-
sures the room tempera-
ture or temp/humidity and
transmits the data at
418MHz to a Repeater
up to 100 feet away. The
optional temperature set-
point and override status
are also transmitted at
418 MHz to the Repeater.
The transmit rate is ap-
proximately once every
10 seconds with an
estimated battery life of 5
to 8 years.
The 418 MHz informa-
tion sent by the Transmitter is picked up by the Repeater and then Re-Transmitted at 900 MHz to a 900 MHz Receiver up to
1,000 feet away. The 900 MHz receiver picks up the information from the repeater and then passes it along to the Analog Output
Modules. Each transmitted variable (temperature, humidity, etc.) is converted by a separate output module into an analog resis-
tance, voltage, current or relay contact which is hard wired to the analog inputs of the BAS controller.
418 MHz
Up to 100
Transmits the
Setpoint and
Override Info
900 MHz Receiver
Receives the Temperature, Humidity, Setpoint
and Override Info from the Repeater and
passes it on to the Analog Output Modules
Analog Output Modules
Converts the Temperature,
Humidity, Setpoint and
Override Info into an analog
resistance, voltage, current
or relay for the BAS controller
Fig. 3:
900 MHz Wireless System
900 MHz
Up to 1,000
Receives the 418 MHz
Info from the Transmitter
and Re-Transmits it at 900
MHz up to 1,000 feet
418 MHz
Up to 100 Feet
Transmits the
Setpoint and
Override Info
418 MHz Receiver
Receives the Temperature, Humidity, Setpoint
and Override Info from the Transmitter and
passes it on to the Analog Output Modules
Analog Output Modules
Converts the Temperature,
Humidity, Setpoint and
Override Info into an analog
resistance, voltage, current
or relay for the BAS controller
Fig. 2:
418 MHz