10.5.3 Configure your Cellular Connection
A cellular connection does not require any configuration other than being selected as the network connection under the
Cloud Services screen.
10.5.4 Set the Email and Messaging Parameters
From the Settings > Mail and Messaging screen, enter the SMPT definition, login, and password for a mail server. You
must supply the SMTP Server, Server Port, and login credentials to send email. When only sending SMS messages over
cellular, the SMTP Server is not required. The default SMTP port is 25 but may need to be adjusted for Ethernet-based
networks. Note that many facilities block port 25. Port 587 is another common SMTP submission port.
The SMTP password is not stored in the XML configuration file, but on the DXM Controller. After the password is entered,
click on Send SMTP Password to send it to the DXM Controller. The password is stored in non-volatile memory, so reboot
the DXM Controller to recognize the new password.
At the bottom of the screen, define the recipient to receive emails and enter the phone numbers for SMS messages. These
recipients for email or SMS messages can be selected in the threshold definition for sending alert messages.
10.5.5 Define Threshold Rules for Email
To define a threshold, go to Action Rules > Thresholds. Depending upon which recipients are defined, select the
appropriate email or SMS checkbox for the threshold rule (under Email/SMS on state transition). When the threshold
rules goes active or inactive, an email is generated.
DXM100-Bx Wireless Controller Instruction Manual
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