10.4 Setting Up EtherNet/IP
The DXM Controller is defined from the factory to send/receive register data from the Gateway and the first 16 Nodes with
an EtherNet/IP
host. To expand the number devices going to Ethernet/IP the user must change the Maximum Node
count parameter in the DX80 Gateway from 16 to 32. Use the DX80 Configuration Tool to set this parameter.
This allows the user to maximize the use of the EtherNet/IP buffer to 28 devices. To expand the number of devices further,
customize the data collection for EtherNet/IP using the DXM Configuration Tool and only selecting the needed registers. A
maximum of 228 registers can be read or written with Ethernet/IP.
EDS (Electronic Data Sheet) files allow users of the EtherNet/IP protocol to easily add a Banner DXM device. Download the
EDS files from the Banner website.
10.4.1 Configuring the Host PLC
On the host PLC, install the DXM Controller using an EDS file or by using the following parameters:
Assembly1: Originator to DXM = Instance 112, 456 bytes (228 words)
Assembly2: DXM to Originator = Instance 100, 456 bytes (228 words)
The Originator is the host PLC system, and the DXM is the DXM Controller. The host system sees the DXM Controller as a
generic device with the product name of Banner DXM (ProdType: 43 - Generic Device, ProdName: Banner DXM).
10.4.2 Configuring the DXM Controller
Use the DXM Configuration Tool to define each local register to be Originator -> DXM or as a DXM -> Originator.
Define a DXM local register as Originator -> DXM when the host PLC (Originator) will send data to the DXM
Controller local register (DXM).
Define a DXM local register as DXM -> Originator when that register data will be sent from the DXM Controller
(DXM) to the host PLC (Originator).
Data from an EIP controller in assembly instance 112 is data destined for the DXM Controller local registers. The first two
bytes of the assembly instance are stored in the first local register defined as an Originator -> DXM register. The next
two bytes of the assembly instance are stored in the next local register defined as an Originator -> DXM register. For
example, if DXM local registers 5, 12, 13, and 15 are configured as Originator -> DXM, the first eight bytes (four words)
of data from the assembly instance are stored into these registers in order (5, 12, 13, and 15). The system ignores the
rest of the bytes in the assembly instance.
Data from the DXM Controller local registers is sent to the EIP controller using assembly instance 100. Each local register
in the DXM Controller defined as DXM -> Originator is collected in numerical order and placed into the data buffer
destined for assembly instance 100. DXM local registers are capable of 32-bits, but only the lower 2-bytes for each local
register are transferred. For example, if DXM registers 1, 10, 20, and 21 are defined as DXM -> Originator registers, the
assembly instance 100 will have the first eight bytes of data coming from the DXM local registers 1, 10, 20, and 21. The
rest of the data is in assembly instance 100 is zero.
10.5 Setting up Email and Text Messaging
The DXM Controller can be configured to send email or SMS messages based on threshold conditions. Internal log files
may be sent using email
Cellular-connected systems can use email or SMS. Ethernet-connected systems may only use email, but can send email to
cellular phones as a SMS message depending upon the network carrier. To send email to a Verizon phone, use the phone
number followed by
, for example, [email protected].
Following these instructions using the DXM Configuration Tool to program the controller for email and/or SMS.
1. Set the time on the DXM Controller.
2. Define the Network Interface settings by selecting either Ethernet or Cell on the Cloud Services screen.
3. If you selected Ethernet, configure your Ethernet connection by setting the IP settings on the Network screen.
4. Set the email and message parameters on the Mail and Messaging screen.
5. To send alert messages, define the threshold rule to use email and/or SMS.
6. To send log files, define the log file parameters.
10.5.1 Define the Network Interface Settings
On the Cloud Services screen, define the network connection settings by selecting Ethernet or Cell from the Network
Interface drop-down list. This determines how the DXM Controller sends data.
11 EttherNet/IP is a trademark of Rockwell Automation.
DXM100-Bx Wireless Controller Instruction Manual
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