Features and Indicators
Ethernet Port
Indicator LED’s
Onboard Interface Push Buttons
Onboard Display
Wiring Terminals
Expansion Port
Micro USB Port
Wiring Terminal
Row Designation
Using FID 1 and FID 2 Safety Controllers
Over time, Banner adds new features to some devices. The Feature ID (FID) identifies the set of features and functions
included in a particular model. Generally, an increasing FID number corresponds to an increasing feature set. A
configuration using a higher numbered FID feature is not supported by a Safety Controller of a lower FID.
FID 1 and FID 2 XS26 Base Modules can be used in the same application, however steps must be taken to ensure
compatibility. See the side label on the module (
on page 9) or query the Module Information of the Base Module
to determine whether a particular device is FID 1 or FID 2. PROFINET, virtual non-safety inputs, delay blocks, and some
virtual status outputs are not compatible with FID 1 devices. In order to have one configuration file that applies to both FID 1
and FID 2 devices, create configurations without using these features. Confirm all configurations after loading to ensure that
they are correct.
Figure 1. Example Label
3.4 Input and Output Connections
Safety and Non-Safety Input Devices
The Base Controller has 26 input terminals that can be used to monitor either safety or non-safety devices; these devices
may incorporate either solid-state or contact-based outputs. Some of the input terminals can be configured to either source
24 V dc for monitoring contacts or to signal the status of an input or an output. The function of each input circuit depends
on the type of the device connected; this function is established during the controller configuration.
The FID 2 Base Controller also supports non-safety virtual inputs.
The expansion modules XS8si and XS16si add additional inputs to the Safety Controller System.
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers
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