Push Button Lockout
Prevents unwanted adjustments or tampering of the push buttons.
Push buttons can be enabled or disabled only from the remote line and only during normal RUN mode.
Remote input pulse: 0.04 s
0.8 s
Push Button
Not available with push-button
Push Buttons Disabled
Display flashes “loc”
Padlock icon appears
Sensor remains in RUN mode
Push Buttons Enabled
Display flashes “uloc”
Padlock icon disappears
Sensor remains in RUN mode
Remote Input
From RUN mode, quad-pulse the remote
line to toggle between selections
Gate Input
The pink wire is configured as a gate input. When this wire is pulled low (e.g., to the sensor ground), it inhibits the outputs
from switching while all other sensor functions continue to be enabled. This feature is useful for controlling when the
outputs are allowed to change states. Gate input function response time is 1 millisecond.
Single-Point Window SET
A Window SET sets a single output condition that extends above
and below the taught condition by a selectable offset percentage (2,
3, 4, 5, or 10%).
In Dark Operate, a Window SET sets a single OFF condition that
extends above and below the taught condition. All other conditions
(lighter or darker) result in ON output.
In Light Operate, a Window SET sets a single ON condition that
extends above and below the taught condition. All other conditions
(lighter or darker) result in OFF output.
Output ON and OFF conditions can be reversed by changing Light/
Dark Operate status in SETUP mode.
Remote input pulse: 0.04 s
0.8 s
Sensor positions
window thresholds
from the taught
(no signal)
Most Light
Offset %
Offset %
Output ON
Output ON
Output OFF
Figure 2. Single-point Window Set and Offset Percentage
(Dark Operate Shown)
D10 Expert Series - Small Object Counter
P/N 146132 Rev. D
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1-763-544-3164