Data sheet V1.141 X20(c)SC2212 Translation of the original documentation
For more information about the actual data transmission time, see Automation Help, section Diagnos-
tics and service → Diagnostics tools → Network analyzer → Editor → Calculation of safety runtime.
The cycle time of the safety application must also be added.
17.3 Signal processing on the safe B&R output module
The maximum I/O update time in the "I/O update time" chapter for the respective module must be taken into account
when processing signals in the safe B&R output module.
17.4 Minimum signal lengths
The parameters in group "Safety Response Time" in SafeDESIGNER influence the maximum number of data
packets that are permitted to fail without triggering a safety response. These parameters therefore act like a switch-
off filter. If several data packets are lost within the tolerated amount, safety signals may not be detected if their low
phase is shorter than the determined data transmission time.
Lost signals can result in serious safety errors. Check all signals to determine the smallest possible
pulse length and make sure that it is larger than the determined data transmission time.
Suggested solution:
The switch-on filter can be used to extend the low phase of a signal on the input module.
Low phases of signals from the SafeLOGIC controller can be lengthened with restart interlock functions
or timer function blocks.