Data sheet V1.141 X20(c)SC2212 Translation of the original documentation
16.3 Parameters in SafeDESIGNER - Release 1.10 and later
Group: Basic
Default value
Min required FW Rev
This parameter is reserved for future functional expansions.
Basic Release
This parameter can be used to configure the module as "optional". Optional
modules do not have to be present, i.e. the SafeLOGIC controller will not in-
dicate that these modules are not present. However, this parameter does not
influence the module's signal or status data.
Parameter value
This module is absolutely necessary for the application.
The module must be in OPERATIONAL mode after startup, and safe communica-
tion to the SafeLOGIC controller must be established without errors (SafeModuleOK
= SAFETRUE). Processing of the safety application on the SafeLOGIC controller is
delayed after startup until this state is achieved for all modules with "Optional = No".
After startup, module problems are indicated by a quickly blinking "MXCHG" LED
on the SafeLOGIC controller. An entry is also made in the logbook.
This module is not necessary for the application.
The module is not taken into account during startup, which means the safety ap-
plication is started regardless of whether the modules with "Optional = Yes" are in
OPERATIONAL mode or if safe communication is properly established between
these modules and the SafeLOGIC controller.
After startup, module problems are NOT indicated by a quickly blinking "MXCHG"
LED on the SafeLOGIC controller. An entry is NOT made in the logbook.
This module is optional. The system determines how the module will proceed during
If it is determined that the module is physically present during startup (regardless
of whether it is in OPERATIONAL mode or not), then the module behaves as if
"Optional = No" is set.
If it is determined that the module is not physically present during startup, then the
module behaves as if "Optional = Yes" is set.
This module is not necessary for the application.
The module is ignored during startup, which means the safety application is start-
ed regardless of whether the modules with "Optional = NotPresent" are physically
Unlike when "Optional = Yes" is configured, the module is not started with "Optional
= NotPresent", which optimizes system startup behavior.
After startup, module problems are NOT indicated by a quickly blinking "MXCHG"
LED on the SafeLOGIC controller. An entry is NOT made in the logbook.
This parameter enables the option on the module for the expected UDID to be
specified externally by the CPU.
External UDID
Parameter value
The UDID is determined by the CPU. The SafeLOGIC controller must be restarted
if the UDID is changed.
The UDID is specified by a teach-in procedure during startup.
Table 21: SafeDESIGNER parameters: Basic
If function "External UDID = Yes-ATTENTION" is used, incorrect specifications from the CPU can lead
to safety-critical situations.
Perform an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) in order to detect these situations and implement
additional safety measures to handle them.