Panel PC 2100 user's manual V1.17
3.5.3 Evaluating temperatures in non-Windows operating systems
For applications that do not run in Windows, temperatures can be evaluated using the B&R MTCX Development
Kit. In addition to the MTCX Development Kit, sample programs in EFI are also available.
The implementation guide only describes device-specific functions, not the main functions of the sample programs.
If code from the sample programs is used, it is important to take into account the notes in the implementation guide
regarding TODO comments, I/O access functions, etc.
For current B&R PC series (starting with the APC910), the MTCX Development Kit can be downloaded
at no cost from the B&R website (
Sample programs and implementation guides for all other B&R series can be downloaded free of
charge from the B&R website (
3.5.4 Evaluating the measurement results
The maximum temperature value recorded by each sensor is not permitted to exceed the temperature limits spec-
ified in the user's manuals.
If the temperature tests cannot be performed in a climate chamber, they can be performed in an office environment,
for example. It is necessary to measure the ambient temperature in this case, however. Experience at B&R has
shown that temperature values measured on passive systems (systems without a fan kit) can be calculated linearly
based on the ambient temperature. In order to calculate temperature values for systems with a fan kit, the fans
must be running. It is also important to take speed, etc. into account.
If the temperature tests are performed in a climate-controlled chamber with fans, the fans will cool the devices
being tested and distort the results. The measurement results for passive devices are therefore unusable. In order
to be able to still perform temperature tests in climate-controlled chambers with fans without distorting the results,
the fans in the climate chamber must be switched off and a sufficient amount of time (several hours) observed
before beginning the test.