Technical data • Complete system
Automation Panel 9x3 User's Manual V1.00
2.5.4 USB interfaces
The link module features a USB 2.0 (Universal Serial Bus) host controller with multiple USB ports, 2 of which are
accessible externally for the user.
Peripheral USB devices can be connected to the USB interfaces on this device. Due to the vast number
of USB devices available on the market, B&R cannot guarantee their performance. B&R does ensure
the performance of all USB devices that they provide.
Because this interface is designed according to general PC specifications, extreme care should be
exercised with regard to EMC, cable routing, etc.
The USB1 and USB2 interfaces are USB 2.0 type A interfaces and allow the user to connect USB devices.
Depending on the transfer method (SDL or DVI operating mode), the USB1 and USB2 interfaces are limited when
it comes to the transfer rate. Possible transfer methods are listed in the section "Connection options" on page 14.
Transfer method
USB type
Max. cable length
SDL operating mode 1
USB 1.1
40 m
SDL operating mode 2
USB 2.0
5 m
DVI operating mode single-touch
USB 2.0
5 m
DVI operating mode multi-touch
USB 2.0
5 m
Universal Serial Bus (USB1, USB2)
USB 2.0
Type A
Transfer rate
Low speed (1.5 Mbit/s), full speed
(12 Mbit/s), high speed (480 Mbit/s)
Current load
A total of max. 1 A
Cable length
USB 2.0
Max. 5 m (without hub)
2x USB type A, female
Table 26: USB1, USB2 interfaces
The interfaces, etc. available on the device or module have been numbered as such for easy identification. This numbering may differ from that used by
the particular operating system.
The USB ports are protected by a shared, maintenance-free "USB current-limiting circuit breaker" (total max. 1 A).
2.5.5 USB In interface
The USB In interface is a USB 2.0 type interface that is used to transfer USB data. It must be connected to the USB
interface on the output device (e.g. B&R Industrial PC) when using the DVI operating mode or SDL operating mode
2 as the transfer method. Possible transfer methods are listed in the section "Connection options" on page 14.
If the interface is connected to an output device (B&R Industrial PC), then USB 2.0 transfer rates are possible on
the USB1 and USB2 interfaces.
USB In interface
USB 2.0
Type B
Transfer rate
Low speed (1.5 Mbit/s), full speed (12 Mbit/s),
high speed (480 Mbit/s)
Current load
Max. 500 mA
Cable length
Max. 5 m (without hub)
1x USB type B, female
Table 27: USB In interface
The interfaces, etc. available on the device or module have been numbered as such for easy identification. This numbering may differ from that used by
the particular operating system.
Each USB port is protected by a maintenance-free "USB current limiting circuit breaker" (max. 500 mA).