Software • Automation Runtime
Chapter 4 Software
Automation PC 510 User's Manual V 1.01
8 Automation Runtime
8.1 General information
A integral component of Automation Studio is the real-time operating system. This real-time operating system
makes up the software kernel which allows applications to run on a target system.
Guaranteed highest possible performance for the hardware being used
Runs on all B&R target systems
Makes the application hardware-independent
Applications can be easily ported between B&R target systems
Cyclic runtime system guarantees deterministic behavior
Multitasking according to deterministic runtime rules
Configure priorities, time classes, and jitter tolerance
Up to eight different time classes with any subprograms
Guaranteed response to time and jitter tolerance violations
Exception handling
Configurable jitter tolerance in all task classes
Supports all relevant programming language such as IEC 61131-3 and ANSI C
Extensive function library conforming to IEC 61131-3 as well as the expanded Automation library
Access to all networks and bus systems via function calls or the Automation Studio configuration
B&R Automation Runtime is fully embedded in the corresponding target system (this is the hardware where Au-
tomation Runtime is installed). It allows application programs to access I/O systems (e.g. via fieldbus) and other
devices (interfaces, networks, etc.).
8.2 Order data
Model number
Short description
Automation Runtime
B&R Automation Runtime ARwin, incl. License Label
B&R Automation Runtime ARemb, incl. License Label
B&R Automation Runtime ARemb Terminal, incl. License Label
Table 156: 1A4600.10-5, 1A4601.06-5, 1A4601.06-T - Order data
8.3 Automation Runtime Windows (ARwin)
The system is supported by ARwin with an AS 3.0.90 / AR 4.00 upgrade.
8.4 Automation Runtime Embedded (ARemb)
The system is supported by ARemb with an AS 3.0.90 / AR 4.00 upgrade.