General information
Mobile Panel 7100 User's manual 1.51
1.2 General safety guidelines
1.2.1 Intended use
Programmable logic controllers, operating and monitoring devices (e.g. industrial PCs, Power Panels, Mobile Pan-
els) as well as uninterruptible power supplies from B&R have been designed, developed and manufactured for
normal use in industry. They have not been designed, developed and manufactured for use that involves fatal
risks or hazards that could result in death, injury, serious physical harm or other loss without the assurance of
exceptionally stringent safety precautions. In particular, this includes the use of these systems to monitor nuclear
reactions in nuclear power plants, flight control systems, air traffic control, the control of mass transport vehicles,
medical life support systems and the control of weapon systems.
1.2.2 Protection against electrostatic discharge
Electrical assemblies that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD) must be handled accordingly. Packaging
Electrical assemblies with housing:
Do not require special ESD packaging but must be handled properly (see "Electrical assemblies with hous-
Electrical assemblies without housing:
Are protected by ESD-suitable packaging. Regulations for proper ESD handling
Electrical assemblies with housing
Do not touch the connector contacts of connected cables.
Do not touch the contact tips on circuit boards.
Electrical assemblies without housing
The following applies in addition to "Electrical assemblies with housing":
All persons handling electrical assemblies and devices in which electrical assemblies are installed must
be grounded.
Assemblies are only permitted to be touched on the narrow sides or front plate.
Always place assemblies on suitable surfaces (ESD packaging, conductive foam, etc.). Metallic surfaces
are not suitable surfaces!
Assemblies must not be subjected to electrostatic discharges (e.g. due to charged plastics).
A minimum distance of 10 cm from monitors or television sets must be maintained.
Measuring instruments and devices must be grounded.
Test probes of floating potential measuring instruments must be discharged briefly on suitable grounded
surfaces before measurement.
Individual components
ESD protective measures for individual components are implemented throughout B&R (conductive floors,
shoes, wrist straps, etc.).
The increased ESD protective measures for individual components are not required for handling B&R
products at customer locations.
1.2.3 Regulations and measures
Electronic devices are generally not failsafe. If the programmable logic controller, operating or control device or
uninterruptible power supply fails, the user is responsible for ensuring that connected devices (such as motors)
are brought to a safe state.
When using programmable logic controllers as well as when using operating and monitoring devices as control
systems in conjunction with a Soft PLC (e.g. B&R Automation Runtime or similar product) or Slot PLC (e.g. B&R
LS251 or similar product), the safety measures that apply to industrial controllers (protection by protective equip-
ment such as emergency stops) must be observed in accordance with applicable national and international regu-
lations. This also applies to all other connected devices, such as drives.