Mobile Panel 7100 User's manual 1.51
4.3 Windows Embedded Standard 7
4.3.1 General information
The successor to Windows XP Embedded is Windows Embedded Standard 7. As with previous versions, this
embedded operating system offers full system support for B&R industrial PCs. In addition to new features that are
also included in Windows 7 Professional, Windows Embedded Standard 7 includes embedded components such
as Enhanced Write Filter, File-Based Write Filter, Registry Filter and USB Boot. Windows Embedded Standard 7 is
available in 2 different versions. The main difference between them has to do with multilingual support. Windows
Embedded Standard 7 is only available in a single language, whereas Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium
supports the installation of several languages simultaneously.
With Windows Embedded Standard 7, Microsoft has made substantial improvements in the area of security. The
AppLocker program, available in the premium version, can prevent the execution of unknown or potentially un-
desired applications that are being installed over a network or from drives that are directly connected. A tiered
approach allows the differentiation between scripts (.ps1, .bat, .cmd, .vbs and .js), installation files (.msi, .msp) and
libraries (.dll, .ocx). AppLocker can also be configured to record undesired activity and display it in the Event View-
er. Windows Embedded Standard 7 is only offered in the 64-bit version for the Mobile Panel 7151. This ensures
that even the most demanding 64-bit applications have the level of support they need
4.3.2 Order data
Model number
Short description
Windows Embedded Standard 7
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium SP1 - 64-bit - Service
Pack 1 - Multilingual - For MP7151 - Installation (without Recov-
ery DVD) - Only available with a new device
Optional accessories
Windows Embedded Standard 7
Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 - 64-bit - Language Pack
Table 30: 5SWWI7.1848-MUL - Order data
4.3.3 Features
The feature list shows the most important device functions in Windows Embedded Standard 7.
Windows Embedded Standard 7
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium
Enhanced Write Filter (EWF)
File Based Write Filter (FBWF)
Administrator account
User account
Windows Explorer shell
Registry filter
Internet Explorer 11.0
Internet Information Service (IIS) 7.0
Anti-malware (Windows Defender)
Add-ons (Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes)
Windows firewall
.NET Framework 4.5
32-bit and 64-bit support
Remote Desktop Protocol 7.0
File compression utility
Windows Installer service
Windows XP mode
Media Player 12
Multilingual user interface packs in the same image
International components and language services
Language pack installer
Windows Update
Windows PowerShell 2.0
Tablet PC support
Multi-touch support
Table 31: Device functions in Windows Embedded Standard 7
Except ADI applications, which are only supported on a 32-bit basis.