At ten ti on must be paid that the po wer supply vol ta ge applied
will agree with the vol ta ge no ti ced at the type pla te.
Switch the po wer supply on (supply vol ta ge applied to 5 (-) and 6 (+)).
When de li vered, the in stru ment is pro gram med with a stan dard con fi gu ra ti on (de -
fault con fi gu ra ti on). Ac cor ding to his mea su ring task, the cu sto mer can change
the stan dard con fi gu ra ti on by pro gram ming.
At ten ti on:
When the in stru ment is built- in a ma chi ne and the cu sto -
mer wants to change the con fi gu ra ti on, at ten ti on must be paid, that
no da ma ge will oc cur to the ma chi ne!
Procedure of programming
The pro ce du re of pro gram ming is or ga nized in dif fe rent steps and can be car ried
out via the push but tons on the front of the in stru ment.
Function of buttons and LEDs
5. Start-Up
4-decade display
Insertion shield
for dimensions
Select the display decade/
Programming button
Decreasing values
Increasing values
Содержание BDD-UM 3023
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