Issue 1 Software iss BVAM8-7
BVR16, 32, 48 & 64M – Voice Alarm Microphones
The BVR M range is designed specifically for the Voice Alarm market to interface with the VIGIL
range of amplifiers. The units connect to the BVR20 (Microdrive) controller and the VIGIL amplifiers
to provide the following facilities:-
16, 32, 48 & 64 Zone Selection
All Call
6 Message Selection
Background Music Selection
Fault Indicators
Speech Level Indicator
'Speak Now' Indicator
Monitoring of Microphone Speech and Signal Paths
Zone Status Indicators
Data path is monitored using parity checking and hand shaking techniques.
VA Microphone Control Panel
Selector Switches
16, 32, 48, or 64 Zone selects
6 Message and Cancel
1 Live Microphone
1 Music Select
1 Emergency Message and Fire Microphone
1 System Fault Accept / Lamp Test
Each message has indications for fault and message in use i.e. active.
Emergency All Call Option
One of the requirements of BS5839 pt8 is for an ‘Emergency Call All Microphone’ that bypasses the
data link and signal processing devices.
This is a ‘factory fit’ option only and is not fitted as standard since there may be more than one BVR
Microphone installed.
See page 4 for instructions if this option is fitted.
Microphone Indications:
4 LED Bar to indicate speech level
Speak Now
Microphone Speech path fault
Zone Status Indications
7-segment display indicates true status of zone i.e. the message being broadcast, microphone
emergency or normal paging and fault conditions.