Страница 1: ...5 M H z SWEEP FUNCTION GENERATOR with DIGITAL DISPLAY KKPBEffi KKPBEffi 22820SaviranchParkway YorbaLinda CA 92887 www bkprecision com 2004B K Precision CorP 481 531 9 001 Printedin Taiwan ...
Страница 2: ...rcuits Drscharge hlgh volrage capacitors lfter removtnqpower 2 If possibie fam liranze yourselfwrth the cquipmentbelngr ested anii rheiocatronoi its high voluge polnts ntry pp tt at unexpectedpoinmrn defectiveequipment l use an insuiatedfloor mate al or a large rnsulated iloor mat to stand n rnd rn insulatedwork iurface on T htch to placeequlpment certain such surlacesa renot damp or wet 1 Use the...
Страница 3: ...e determinatron of outputfrequencythanis possrble with a simple calibrated dial Coarseandfine tunrngcontrolspermitprecisionsettabil ity of the output tiequencv With thisversatility theunit hasa vastnumberof lpplicationsrn both analoganddigitalelecronlcs ln theengrneering manufacturing servic ing educational and hobbyistfields The heart of the function generatoris a VCC voltage controlled generator...
Страница 4: ...Typical at I Kllz Fiatness 57o 15dB SQUARE WAVE Svmmetry 0 5 Hz to i O KHz 12Vc RrseTime l 20 nS TRL NGLE WAVE Linexflty 987cto I00 KHz SPECIFICATIONS TTL OUTPUT L c v e l r 8 vt o l v p p 0 5 v p p RiseTime 20nS Duty Cycle 5070typical CMOS OUTPUT Max Frequency I MHz Level V to l l V t0 5V p p Continuouslyvariable RiseTime 120 nS VCG Voltage Controlled Generator INPUT InputVolrage 0 l0V lV causes ...
Страница 5: ...ation tiom center posrtronadjuststhe dury cycle of the main OUTPUT signal 20D8 Switch When engaged the signairr the OUTPUT jack is attenuatedby 20db SWEEP INT EXT Switch When engaged lNT enables the sweepmodeof operarion Sweeprateiscontrolledby SWEEPTIME control 18 and sweep magnirudeis controlled by the SWEEP WIDTH controi f I6 When reieased EXT allowsexternaicon trol oi generatoroutput frequencv...
Страница 6: ...agrngthe 20d8 swttch ill The rttenuation factors can be combrned for a total oi 40db The ma rimumsignal level is 10 V p p into 50 Q OPERATINGINSTRUCTTONS 7 A superimposed DC componenrcan be addedro the output signal by engagingthe DC OFFSET swrtch 14 to enabieoperationof the DC OFFSET control 5 Rotationof thiscontroladdsa positrve or negativeDC componentto theoutputsignal The DC component introduc...
Страница 7: ...trols havenoeffecton thesignalattheTTL CMOS jack L WhentheCMOS LEVEL swrtch 15 is OFF a fiL srgnal is i rrVCuoS jack Select aCMOS s1e1at uv engxsrng irr Cuos LEVEL switchandadjustthe levelof the signalby ronting theCMOS LEVEL control 8 SWEEP OPERATION I SelectLINEAR sweepby leavrng theSWEEP LIN LOG swttch 13 in the relecsed poiitionor LOG sweepby engaglng the LIN LOG switch L Set the startingfrequ...
Страница 8: ...nnectionLoexcessive externalvoltage Damagecf thrs iype usually occurs by accidentalivconnectingrhe ourputof the iunction generatorio a voltage rn te equipmentunder test The toiiowing protectlvemeasures arestronglyrecommended 1 The usershould understand the equipmentunder lestweil enough ro identifovalid signaiinjectionpornts ie the baseof r tranststor a logic input of a gate etc The voitageat valr...
Страница 9: ...s h a f t s r n d t h e p r o t e c t i v eB l u e b e z e l FUSEREPLACEMENT l f o r e p i a c e t h e l r n e f u s e u s e a t l a l b l a t l e s c r e w d r j v e r i o p u i l o u t t h e f u s e h o l d e r l o c a t e du n d e r t h e l r n e l r r d r e c e p t r c l e E n s u r et h a l t h e c o r r e c i u s e v a l u e i s u s e d T o r e p l a c e t h e o u t p u t f u s e d i s a s s...
Страница 10: ... Generators which describes numerous applications for this instrument including hook up details It also includes a glossary of function generator terminology and an explanation of function generator circuit operation It may be downloaded free of charge on our website www bkprecision com ...
Страница 11: ...or ship PREPAID rLIPSpreterred rn LrS A t to the nencins with v our unit pack it secureiviprel erablyin the onginal nearest B K Precisionauthorized sen icergencyrseelistenclosed ctrton or doubie packed with unit 1 Encioser letterdescribinsthe Droblemrnd rnciudevour nameand aooress If your list of authonzedB K Precision ervice rgencleshasbeenmrsplaced contactyour distributortbr the nameof vour netr...
Страница 12: ...mpleting and mailingtheenclosed warrantycardto B KPrecision Corp 22820 Savi ranch Parkway Yorba Linda CA 92887within fifteen 15 daysfromproofof purchase Exclusions This warrantydoes not apply in the eventof misuseor abuseof the product or as a resultof unauthorizedalternations or repairs lt is void if the serialnumberis alternated defacedor removed B KPrecision Corp shallnotbe liable foranyconsequ...