Horizon Nxt®
Modular Infusion System 1 - 3 6/00
950520 Rev F
For epidural administration of analgesic drugs, use indwelling catheters
specifically indicated for either short-term or long-term analgesic epidural
drug delivery.
When the Horizon Nxt® is being used for epidural infusions, the source
container and administration set should be clearly differentiated from source
containers and administration sets used for other routes of infusion.
: To prevent inadvertent infusion of drugs which are not indicated
for epidural use, only Horizon microbore administration sets,
without injection sites, that are specified for epidural
administration of drugs should be used.
Following an occlusion alarm, a small amount of fluid may be delivered.
Use of a microbore set assures this is less than 0.1 mL.
The administration of drugs is restricted to those anesthetic and analgesic
drugs labeled for continuous epidural administration.
: Serious injury to the patient may result from epidural
administration of drugs other than those specifically labeled for
epidural use.
Blood Infusion
The Horizon Nxt can be used for infusion of blood and blood products. For
blood infusion, a Horizon Pump Blood Set should be used. Do not attempt
to piggyback blood. The normal saline roller clamp on the blood tubing set
must be clamped off. The high viscosity of blood will cause the saline to
infuse before the blood if both clamps are left open.
The Horizon Nxt can be used for the periodic infusion of antibiotics,
chemotherapy or other IV infusions according to a schedule set by the user.
Assure that there is a maintenance IV infusing in the intervals between
pump infusions.
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