SmartSwarm 300 Series
Enable TLS
Enable TLSv1.2 as the secure transport layer.
Security settings must match the broker settings.
Client Certificate
Valid X.509 Certificate containing the client’s public key. This certificate will be sent
to the broker when the SSL/TLS session is established.
Client Private Key
Valid Private key corresponding to the Client Certificate. This is not exchanged with
the broker or any third party: it is only used locally on the SmartSwarm 351 device.
When using a Client Certificate, this field is required.
Optional passphrase for the private key.
Verify Server Cert
If this box is ticked, when the SSL/TLS session is established, the SmartSwarm 351
client will attempt to verify that the broker’s certificate is trusted. The Server Root CA
Cert must be provided in the field below.
(For test purposes, it may be useful to disable this option. But it should be enabled
for secure applications).
Server Root CA Cert
The Root CA cert used to sign the broker’s certificate.
If Verify Server Cert is enabled, this field is required.
Mutual Authentication
Mutual authentication means that the broker will attempt to verify the client’s
certificate when the SSL/TLS session is established.
You must ensure that the Root CA cert used to create the
key-pair is on the
Table 14. MQTT Interface
Last Will and Testament
Topic on which the LWT is published.
If left blank the default topic is [SwarmID]/[Serial Number]/[Status]
Any subscribing clients wishing to be notified when this SmartSwarm 351 goes online
and/or offline will subscribe to this topic.
Online Message
The message the broker will send to any subscribing clients when this SmartSwarm 351
comes “online” (Successfully connects to the broker).
Offline Message
The message the broker will send to any subscribing clients when this SmartSwarm 351
goes “offline” (Disconnects unexpectedly from the broker).