UMDIO128CO V2.0.1 Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change 26-53
Sub-Index 2h
Description Save
Access RW
PDO Mapping
Value Range
0x65766173 (write access)
1h (read access)
Default Value
Sub-Index 3h
Description Save
application parameters
Access RW
PDO Mapping
Value Range
0x65766173 (write access)
1h (read access)
Default Value
Sub-Index 4h
Description Save
manufacturer parameters
Access RW
PDO Mapping
Value Range
0x65766173 (write access)
1h (read access)
Default Value
Object 1011h: Restore Parameters
This object supports the restoring of the default values for the object dictionary in non-volatile
memory. In order to avoid restoring of parameters by mistake, the device restores the defaults only
when a specific signature is written to the appropriate sub-index. The signature is “load”.
The signature is a 32-bit unsigned number, composed of the ASCII codes of the signature
characters, according to the following table:
d a o l
64h 61h 6Fh 6Ch
On reception of the correct signature to an appropriate sub-index, the DIO128 Controller will
restore the defaults in non-volatile memory, and then confirm the SDO transmission.
The default
values are set valid only after the device is reset or power-cycled.
This means that the
DIO128 Controller will NOT start using the default values right away, but rather continue to run
from whatever values were in the Object Dictionary prior to the restore operation.
By read access, the object provides information about the module’s default parameter restoring
capabilities. For all sub-indexes, this value is 1h, indicating that the DIO128 Controller restores
defaults on command.