2022-05-31 | Technical improvements, changes in design, printing- and other errors reserved. | BA_MIE.pdf |
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The AXING SMARTPortal connects each AXING headend device with a cloud-based portal and thus provides worldwide access to
the devices. The connection is password-saved and scrambled. The only requirement on site is an internet connection of the device
e. g. via LAN, EoC, 3G/LTE-Router).
With AXING’s SMARTPortal a worldwide configuration of all settings or software updates can be ensured. On customer request
AXING can provide the necessary support.
In addition, the SMARTPortal also sends error messages to a configured e-mail address. This makes monitoring the devices simple
and safe. Error messages occur in the following cases, for example:
Power supply failure
Processor temperature > 90 °C
Airflow temperature > 50 °C
Power supply temperature >85 °C
Input stream overflow
Modulator overflow
RF output-level not according to settings