Applied Wireless Identifications Group, Inc.
18300 Sutter Blvd. – Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Voice 1-408-825-1100
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LR-2200 & LR-2200HiLoMA Quick Installation Guide
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Quick Installation Guide – LR-2200 and LR-2200HiLoMA Readers and Tags
If you are new to the LR-2200 readers, or if this is your first long-range installation,
and you have any concerns, we suggest that you call AWID Technical Support at +1-408-825-1100.
The LR-2200-series Readers are long-range Radio Frequency Identification readers that use AWID’s encoded vehicle-mounted tags
and hand-held cards. This Guide describes the Wiegand interface. For RS-232 interface, see AWID’s Technical Reference.
Before you start the installation, download and study the LR-2200 Installation & Operation Manual.
Layout Plan
: Ideal conditions for the reader installation site are –
1 car length or more between reader and gate;
Vehicles driving in the lane close to the reader, in a straight line, at up to 15 miles per hour;
Reader mounted on a bracket with adjustable head (pan and tilt) for aiming the reader;
Reader location and height to match vehicle and tag types;
Reader and tags aimed toward each other, and parallel, when tags are 15 foot from the reader (the “sweet spot”);
Good tag location in vehicles determined by tests before attaching the tags; and
Using LR-2200HiLoMA to spread the effective RF field where the lane turns, or for mixed small and large vehicles.
Power Supply
: A separate dedicated DC power supply for each LR-2200 reader or “HiLo” reader set, connected to nothing else.
For a 12-14 volt DC supply, rating = 1.5 amperes or more, linear, regulated supply. Locate 12 feet or more from the reader.
Mount the reader inside a Lexan housing if the reader is mounted outdoors
is exposed directly to rain or snow, or to
bright sunlight in a hot environment. Example: The Housing Company, Model PCH196 (14 inches by 14 inches by 3 inches).
: May be separate cables for data and for power, or may be combined for data and power together. Max. length = 500 feet.
alone – 18 gauge, 2 conductors, stranded wires, color-coded, overall 100% shielded, high quality.
alone – 22 gauge, 3 conductors, stranded wires, color-coded, not twisted pairs, overall 100% shielded, high quality.
cable – 18 gauge, 5 conductors, stranded wires, color-coded, not twisted pairs, overall 100% shielded, high quality.
: Adjustable pan-and-tilt brackets (Pt.No. LR-MB-0-0) in most installations, to aim the readers at the tags for reading.
Pre-Installation Testing
(See Quick Installation Guide for LR-2200KIT Installation Kit)
installing at the site, run these tests on the bench at your shop, or in your van at the site – almost anywhere.
Installation Kit (Pt.No. LR-2200KIT-0-0): Provides beep and LED color. No need to mount the reader or interface to the system.
Connections: Connect together the 3 negatives (black wires) on the reader, test unit, and power supply, plus reader’s yellow wire.
Connect together the reader’s orange wire to the test unit’s orange wire.
Connect together the 3 positive power lines (red wires) on the reader, test unit, and power supply. See Figure 1 for test wiring.
Holding test tags: Squeeze in fingertips at edge of tag. Hold tag at arm’s length to your side. Tag and reader facing each other.
Procedure: When the test unit’s LED shows red, present one of the test tags from the Kit to the reader. Measure (a) the maximum
distance “R” where reads occur, and (b) the width “W” of the effective RF field at half of the maximum reading distance.
Results: Tags should read about 3 reads per second, inside the “balloon” (Figure 2). All tags should read to 15 feet or more.
Figure 1. Connections for Pre-Installation Testing
Figure 2. Effective RF Field for LR-2200 Reader